The Dam

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*knock knock knock*
"Come in!"
Liz walked in and sat next to me in my bed. "How are you feeling?"
"Didn't sleep well?"
"Maybe you should go talk to him"
I sat up "No I have to leave him be. Let him live his happy life without me getting in the middle of it"
"Well ... he seemed upset yestuday"
"What do you mean?"
"Well I went down with Caesar, Rocket, Maurice, and Blue Eyes to help out with the dam ..."
"What dam?"
"The group that was with Carver came back and asked Caesar if they could work on a dam to generate power to the city"
"Oh god Carver was there?!"
"He was yesturday but he won't be coming back"
"Because he tried to attack Caesar's youngest son. Causing Blue Eyes to attack him. Caesar than tried to kick all of them out but Malcolm talked Caesar to letting them stay ..."
"That's why he looked so familiar! Malcolm was that guy that tried to talk to Caesar the first time Carver hurt me!"
"Ya, so him, his wife Ellie, his son Alexander and a couple more guys are the only ones that are working on the dam. Caesar's only giving them today, with the help of apes"
"You still never told me how Blue Eyes was upset"
"Oh! When I met them there on this shore above the dam, Blue Eyes approached me asking about you. And I told him you were a little upset, which made him mope"
"Oh and Cornelia told me she wants to talk to you"
"Okay *sighs* I'll meet with her now. When I'm done, can I go with you to the dam?"
"Ya of course"
I then got up and walked out my hut heading to Cornelia. I was a little nervous about talking to her because I don't know what to expect. When I got to the entrance Luca wasn't there, so I assumed he was helping out with Caesar.
As I walked in, I noticed right away Blue Eyes sitting by a fire touching up his spear. Then right besides him was Lake rubbing his arm, right away I knew he moved on. I tried to pass him without him noticing, but I took a glance at him and he looked at me and grinned. As I was glancing at him, Lake looked at me but I didn't see her face expression because I just put my head down in sadness and continued to walk to Cornelia.
I climbed up to the rock Cornelia was sitting on and greeted her very nervously.
Morning Ari ... come sit she signed as she tapped a spot next to her. I then followed her command and sat right by her as she was holding a sleeping Cornelius.
My son told me what happened between you two
All I could do was look at her very scared and wondered.
He was upset last night that he couldn't sleep
"Was he crying?"
He said he wasn't but it was all in his eyes
He told us last night that he cared about you ... And still does
"But he's moved on" *mopes*
"But I just saw him down there with Lake"
Caesar and I talked to Lake last night before bed. She came to us seeing Blue Eyes was upset and found out he was truly in love. And she apologized to us saying it was her fault you did what you did
"I just ... felt like I was separating those two"
You weren't. Lake did have feelings for Blue but he's down there with her to basically tell her she needs to move on
"How will the other apes think about us?"
Well Rocket told us about Liz and Ash. And Caesar talked with the apes about considering you guys our family ... as apes
"What did they say?"
Everyone would love to have you guys be apart of our family, well ... besides Koba
"Well thank you!"
Thank you for making my son happy
"Ari!!" I heard Liz shout. "I'm about to go to the dam, you coming?"
"Ya I'm coming" I turned to Cornelia and hugged her. "See you later Cornelia"
I then hopped off the rock and traveled with Liz to the dam as I told her about my conversation with Cornelia.

*moments later*

We arrived at the dam where lots of apes were helping cleaning out some rubble. Liz went to where Ash was and I encountered Alexander.
"Hi Ariana, I don't know if you remember me but I'm Alexander"
"I do ... and it's nice to see you again"
Malcolm and Ellie then approached me.
"Hey Ari" Malcolm said
"So you live with the apes now?" Ellie asked.
"Ya, they kind of gave us a place to live"
"Ya ... so anything I can help with?"
"Ya follow me" Malcolm said as he gestured for me to come with him.
As I was helping out with Ellie and Malcolm, Koba entered the dam along with Blue Eyes. He then began going around asking for Caesar, who then came out from a room.
"HUMANS ... ATTACK YOUR SONS! YOU LET ... THEM ... STAY? PUT APES ... IN DANGER. *Blue Eyes peers behind Koba* CAESAR LOVE HUMANS MORE THAN APES. MORE THAN ... YOUR SONS" Caesar began to look angry, he looked at Blue Eyes who had a sad look on his face then back at Koba.
*screams* Caesar than rams Koba to the ground and Koba lands on top of Caesar hitting him. Caesar than rolls over onto Koba and starts punching him in the face then grabs Koba by the neck banging his head the ground. We all stood there in shock...
Caesar released Koba. Koba than rolled himself up laying a hand out to Caesar for forgiveness. Caesar starts to brush his hand to Koba's and Koba snatched his hand away and walks out of the dam. Blue Eyes watches his uncle walk off in defeat and glances back at his father, upset about what his father just did.

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