Lost: part 1

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I heard the sound of silence, no apes, no people. There was no one in sight, I crawled out from under the log and looked around me. It was still night time and the woods looked empty while the city looked like a war sight.
I began walking towards the city noticing that something was going on down there, maybe a start of a war. Panicking I started running towards the city ...

*moments later*

I arrived at the city and saw a large group of apes trying to break through to the human colony. Apes were getting shot right in front of the others eyes and Koba was completely ignoring the deaths. I was unseen because I was hiding near abandoned houses by the human colony, but I could see all the action that was happening and it made me sad. The next thing I heard was a loud bang, I looked over and saw that the apes successfully got through into the human colony. All I could hear was humans screaming in fear and apes screeching, the humans were going to be held hostage.
When I felt the coast was clear I ran away from the war zone. I knew I needed to find a place to hide or I was going to die ...

I know this chapter is short I'm sorry. I wanted to break it into parts so I can get into depth on different parts. ♡♡♡

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