Lost: part 2

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I decided to spend the night in the abandoned house, so when I woke up I knew I had to get out of there ASAP. It was light outside so I was hoping everything  calmed down between the apes and humans.
I slowly crept out of the house and ran towards the human colony. As I began to enter the human colony, I looked around and saw that it has been completely destroyed. Sadness filled my eyes as I gazed around and saw no more people in a place that was suppose to protect them.
*human screaming* *ape screeching* I began to run, I found some stairs and decided to run up them. When I reached the top I heard no more apes and knew I was safe for now. I than realized I was near my old place, the place where my family was killed.
*window breaking* That sound caused me to rush to my old apartment room, when I reached it I had no choice but to kick the door in. I rushed in and quickly shut the door behind me. It gave me chills just to be standing in here, remembering the exact moment my family was assassinated. I started crying as I looked at the last place I remembered seeing my mom, my dad and my sister at.
I didn't want to be in here anymore so I headed back for the door. As I reached the door an ape came crashing through the door knocking me to the floor hard. The ape than jumped on top of me and started beating me. I continued to scream in pain as I was getting beaten, then I kicked the ape off of me as I felt weak. Trying to rush out of the room as fast as I could, the ape pulled me back down to the ground. The ape then took a hold of my neck, snarled at me then dug his teeth into my neck as I screamed bloody murder. I swung my hand hitting the ape and knocking him off of me, I felt weak as I felt the blood on the right side of my neck. He then jumped on my back and took a bite out of my shoulder. Then a loud gun shot was heard ... I looked behind me seeing the ape laying there dead. I turned towards the doorway ...
*heavy breathing* "Liz?"

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