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After Caesar beat up Koba, Blue Eyes has been trying to ignore his father. It was dinner time so I decided to sit by myself in a corner while Liz ate with Ash.
I thought about how Blue Eyes might not fully trust humans after Carver tried to hurt him and his brother. It made me sad that he may not trust me, because I'm human.
I looked around and saw Blue Eyes sitting alone until Koba sat next to him and started signing to him. Still gazing around as I ate my fruit, I saw Liz and Ash laughing with one another. It made me happy that my best friend found her love. Then I got approached by Lake who sat next to me ...
She grinned at me I'm really sorry about my behavior the last couple of days
"Do you actually mean that or are you just saying that?"
I mean it. Forgive me?
"You're forgiven"
I felt bad when I saw you tell Blue Eyes when you didn't want to get between us
"You were spying on us?"
A little bit ... but when you left I saw the hurt in his eyes and realized how happy you made him. So I talked to him and his parents and confessed why he was hurt. I told him how sorry I was and told him I've actually been talking to another male ape who made me happy
"So you're not mad at me?"
No ... I'm happy that you make Blue Eyes happy
Friends? she hold out her hand
"Friends" I said as I shook her hand
She walked off and I was alone but now relieved that I didn't have an enemy anymore. I continued to eat my fruits and then Blue Eyes approached me then sat next to me.
You seem upset. What's wrong?
I started to cry
Why are you crying? He signed as he wrapped an arm around me
"I'm sorry I hurt you" *cries*
You were just looking out for me
"Ya ... do you still trust me?"
Why wouldn't I trust you?
"When Koba and your father fought ... you seemed upset about what Koba was saying"
Because my father puts a lot of trust in humans. But I understand why ... because there are humans like you out there
"So did you talk with Caesar?"
No I need more time
"So what did Koba say to you?"
He said I need to protect my father
I pointed out to Blue Eyes where his parents where standing, then we both noticed the city lights. He locked his hand to mine and we walked up to where his family was.
When we arrived Cornelia greeted us with Cornelius in her arms and gave us both hugs as Caesar watched in the distance ...
Than a loud gun shot was heard as it echoed throughout the colony, startling all the apes and Malcolm and his crew.
Caesar fell off and tumbled down the large tree as Cornelia was hooting in panic. Blue Eyes went running to where his father stood and started screeching. I was starting to panic when I saw a fire at the entrance of the colony.
"Human ... gun!" Blue Eyes yelled.
"Ari! We have to go!" Liz said as she ran to me and took a hold of wrist and we started running. We got to the entrance and all we heard was Koba screaming, we passed by apes who put out the fire saving the colony but Koba ordered them to come and get us so we can be captured.
We continued running but I heard hooting apes behind us and I knew Liz and I had to split up ...
I pulled away from her grip "Liz go run for safety!"
"I can't leave you!" *cries*
"I'm not asking now go!"
She ran away from the chimps as I ducked under a log all I could hear were loud gibbering coming from the chimps as the passed me. All I know is that I want Blue Eyes to comfort me ... I was scared.

Sorry this chapter was shorter, but I wanted to get in detail for the next chapter. Basically making this one the intro to the next one ♡♡♡

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