Another point of view

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--Casper's POV--

Ever since the divorce I decided to put all my attention into work. I would usually stay there from early mornings to late nights.

I just got tired of everyone telling me the same shit all the time. "Oh son you'll be fine "and " it's for the best" bullshit.

I know I'll be fine I am a very important and powerful man something as little as a stealing wife won't stop me from being Well me.

I mean don't get me wrong I loved Charlie so much. A little part of me was destroyed when I found out she was lying to me the entire time .I guess I was blinded by love to see who she really was.

In the beginning I drank my self to sleep every night. It was the only way I got to sleep.

I tried to sleep with different woman , but we have an image to represent so my father wouldn't let me do that. Plus I couldn't bring myself to it.

It wasn't until a couple months ago I met Veronica. She wasn't really the type of girl I liked. She is shallow as hell , kind of dumb , and she only cares about material things. Nothing at all like Charlie.

And now I'm marring her. Do I love her ? Sure she is okay I mean maybe I need a girl like her. Someone to take of. Charlie was never like that she's independent she can stand on her two feet without anyone. No matter how hard life got she was always there with a smile on her beautiful face.

I have to move on with my life I can't keep living in the past. What's done is done , I can't take back any of the mistakes that were make.But seeing her at the party . She was so beautiful and she looked different , happier even.

Probably because of all the money she stole. I wonder what she did with it. I'm surprised she didn't leave the country.I was going to turn her in but I couldn't. My mother was very angry with my decision but I won't do that but I also won't let anything like that happen again.

Do you know how hard it was getting that money back. Not very but that's beside the point.

I've been doing business with companies that need my help. Giving money to people that go bankrupt but only the ones I know will benefit me of course.

We got into this deal with Veronica's father. He had nothing to offer so he offered his daughter. I told him to fuck off but then my mother told me to meet her first. And now we're engaged.

Picking my suit for the day. Fixed my hair and on my way to my company. My father decided to come with me to see how things are running.

Walking to the front desk, Gretchen our receptionist had told me my brother had a visitor.

The only visitors he gets are the girls he tells to come and fucks then and then they leave.

My father didn't really approve of his behavior thought it wasn't what Drakes do.

He shifted his body to the side I could tell he was a little upset " I swear that boy will be the death of me "

We both chuckled and continued walking to the elevator.

Walking towards his office I could hear voices. They were low and muffled but it was definitely a girls voice.

I reached for the door only to see

"Charlie ? what are you doing here " I didn't mean it to come out so harshly but I was surprised out of all the places I didn't expect her to be here at my work. With my brother.

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