A Father's Love

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(Charlie's POV)

"Hi daddy" Veronica said.

The only thing that was going through my head was how did we end up here. I kept thinking If I would of just paid attention more , Asked more questions,Cared more would we still be in this situation?

"Hello again" Mr. Nash said. His words roamed the the room with such power. There is not doubt this man was a powerful one. That's what scared me.

"Look this has nothing to do with Charlie and Aiden. Let them walk I'll go with you." Casper said calmly. That's Casper for you. No matter what's going on around he's always the wall that keeps everything together.

"But Drake she has everything to do with it. I mean you think I don't know about you guys finding out about the forged papers?" He took out a cigar from his black leather jacket and put it to his mouth and lit it.

"Whatever money you want I'll give it just stop with the damn games!"

"Oh baby we're just getting started" Veronica said

Veronica came over to Casper and ran her hands down his chest " you know it's to bad things won't work out between us. You were an incredible lover." She said as she kissed his cheek lightly slapping his cheek so his face turned to me.

"Let's get out of here and we'll discuss things more... privately". Mr. Nash said as he walked toward the door. " I'll send you the address you have 30 minutes to get there or your precious boy will have a bullet between his pretty little eyes."

Once they all left I felt my body cave. I couldn't breath. What have we gotten into.

"Look Charlie I'm sorry . This is all my fault I sh-" but I cut him off before he could finish.

"How could you know the wanna be godfather would do this. It's not your fault. Let's just get this over with"

And we left to the car. The whole car ride was silence. But not that awkward silence where you don't know what to say. But it was that one where you want to say so much but you can't.

We pulled up to a old factory looked like. I was surrounded by a railroad track and water. Ya this definitely doesn't look like a place in a horror movie.

We got out of his car and I stood there. Frozen in place. I kept thinking about the last conversation I had with Aiden. Was it nice ? Did I tell him I love him?

Casper placing his hand on my shoulder drew me out of my daze. He threw me one of his heart-filled smiles the one where everything will be okay. Only I had a really bad feeling that it wouldn't be.

"Charlie it will be alright."

"Are you sure? Should we have went to the cops?" My mind went a million miles an hour.

"It's fine okay nothing will happen to you or Aiden I promise."

"What about you?"

His silence was all the answer I needed. Walking into that warehouse I knew somebody wasn't going to come out alive.

"Charlie I'm sorry"

"Casper it's fine" I said trying to brush it off. He kept saying that. I knew he was he didn't have to keep saying it.

"I know I hadn't been a good husband or friend for that matter"

"Cas what are yo-"

"Let me finish. I should of believed you. I should of ran after you when you left. I should of done a lot of things but I didn't. But I don't want this to be one of those times so here" he handed me an envelope on the top it said to Aiden.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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