Im sorry

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What did she mean by "he knew the truth" what truth ?

It's like every time I think I'm getting one step closer reality knocks me back.

I could just ask him? What if he doesn't answer ? What if he knows something I don't want to know ?

All of a sudden I felt arms wrap around me. I quickly pushed them off and turned to look who it was.

"Who the hell are you ?" I said moving away from the man.

"Oh I'm sorry I thought you were my wife. She went to the bathroom awhile ago I thought she came in here" he said blushing

He looked strangely familiar I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Nice party no ?" He said trying to make conversation i guess.

"Oh it's pretty good" I said awkwardly. Can you like go. I have other things to deal with.

A girl comes from behind him and places her hands around his eyes.

"Surprise baby" she says.

He turns to face her and they start making out. I guess I'll just awkwardly make my way out of here.

I didn't mean to but my eyes fell on the girl. She had brown hair and a petite figure. It wasn't until she came for a breath I noticed how much she looked like......


Wow that's so weird. I always thought I had a person who looked like me but I didn't realize. I was just about to leave when something hit me.

That's them that's the people in the photo. It has to be.

"Excuse me ?" I said kind of softly.

They didn't even move. Let's try this again.

"Excuse me ??" I said louder. Still no answer.

I went to tap the man in the shoulder. " excuse me?" I said he just moaned. Okay this isn't working.

I am not ashamed of what I did next because I tried to get there attention but they wouldn't look at me.

So I went to then and pulled the man by his arm.

"Damn girl if you wanted to join you could of just asked" the man said smirking at me.

That's just nasty.

"Don't mind him sweetie he's only messing" the Woman said smiling at me.

sweetie you only look a few years older than me.

"Honey don't be rude , I'm Grace And this is -" he cut her off " I'm Diego Nash" he said extending his hand so I can shake it.

Nash ? He's related to them or did he marry into the family ?

"Nash that's quite a name" I said trying to sound clueless.

"If you don't know who that name belongs to then why are you at this party. It's hosted by king Nash himself." Diego said kissing the girl on her neck.

"Oh he's not that bad when I first met him he was the world most sweetest man" grace said.

Yea right did we meet the same man or is there two of them ?

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