Mama knows best

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(Rose's POV)

"No no that's not the color I asked for . That's seashell white I clearly asked for eggshell white. Can't you people do anything right?" I threw the decorations on the floor.

God I swear I'm dealing with incompetents. Can't even get a simple color right.

"How can we have a perfect wedding when you can't even get the colors right ?"

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes Rose" a voice called to me.

I turned around and there standing was Veronica.

"I asked you to be here an hour ago." I said

She showed me her freshly painted nails still smelling of nail polish " Mani ran late sorry " she walked around the table and sat in a chair.

We are currently at the wedding planners office. I have to be here everyday monitoring there every move because they can't grasp the concept of how to do anything right clearly.

"Have you decided the flowers you want?"I asked her. I knew she didn't know what she wanted. I had to take it upon myself to pick out everything while she just sits there and looks pretty. I don't mind though I liked to be in control.

She sat there thinking. Tapping her index finger to the bottom of her chin. That's her thinking process I guess. The girl isn't the brightest but anything is better than , that that thing he calls an ex wife. What he saw in her I'll never know.

"How about Daisy's ? Cas seems to really like them. There planted all over his house" she said as she rolled her eyes.

Cas liking Daisy's ? No that's not no.

"Cas doesn't like Daisy's" I said very sure of myself.

"Then why does he keep planting them outside his house? He even has some on his nightstand?" She said standing up and crossing her arms.

I clearly remember Cas liking Rose's not Daisy's. There so common and dull . Where's roses are elegant.

"we will just have to call him and ask him personally " I say

I can tell Veronica got kind of upset because she started to make that stupid pouting face she does when she doesn't get her way. She needs to understand I'm in control here not her . She may have my son heart but I will always be number 1 to him.

I dig through my purse and dial Casper's number.

Ring ring ring ring..."hello mother" he greets.

"What is that ? your answering me on the fourth ring what is that Casper Drake ?" I'm livid he's never answered my that late what is he doing ?

"I was busy mother , what did you want ?" He says he sounds bothered.

"What's wrong with you? Did you not get enough to eat I can mak-" Casper cuts me off.

"Is there a reason you called me or not I'm kind of in the middle of something?"

Something was bothering him. And I was going to find out what.

"Casper Drake you will not talk to me like that do you understand?"

"Yes mother I'm sorry" he didn't sound apologetic.

He always listens to his mother.

"Anyways What kind of flowers would you like at the wedding Roses or Daisy's?" I asked.

"I uh ... I don't care mother" he said.

"Roses it is" I was about to hang up but then I thought about what Veronica told me about the Daisy's in his house " Oh I will be over today so I could plant new flowers at your house wouldn't that be nice Cas we could even do it together sounds fun ?"

He didn't say anything for a moment " No mother I don't want to "

" why not it's not like you like Daisy's anyways it woul-" he cut me off again.

"No I don't want you to do that mother it's my house I say I want to leave the Daisy's so there staying " he grew angry and I don't know why.

"But You had them since ...."

If I could recall he's had them since that poor girl. Was it her who liked the Daisy's ? Why would he keep planing them ? Unless...

"Alright Casper I'll see you later" I hung up.

Is he still in love with that girl ? Why is he still in love with her when he has Veronica in front of him ? This will not do . They probably where out on a date that day . He said he was getting a restraining order on her but it's probably all a lie. I swear that boy doesn't know what's good for him. At least he had his mother looking out for him. Don't worry Casper I'll fix everything.

I pick up my phone to dial another number.

Ring ring ring "hello" a deep voice answers.

"We might have a problem"

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