9. Chapter - Scary Truth

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Picture of the King, Zevleokk (the picture, as always, belongs to LAS-T https://las-t.deviantart.com/art/Terra-Avis-285733040, check out her other works, they're beautiful!)

Chapter 9 is here! You are finally going to find out who the other human is! Your guesses and responses in the previous chapter made me so happy, thank you so much, guys! I'm really grateful to have readers like you!

I'm sorry it took me so long. I thought I would be able to finish it three days ago, but although I almost managed, there was a problem with few people at my work afterwards, so I didn't have enough time to write the last few paragraphs. The day after that was exhausting as I slept only 4 hours and had to go shopping, and the next two days weren't any better - work is really hectic at the moment.

But it's finally here! And I think it's the longest chapter I've ever written, so I'm kind of proud of myself!

Without any further ado, go on and read!

Enjoy the chapter!


With a tear stained face, Corey refused to let go of the other boy. He was clinging to him, unable to stop his hiccupping, and thanking whatever power or God was there that made this happen. He couldn't believe he was so lucky to have one of his best friends there.

"Okay, calm down, you big baby. Why are you crying?" the other boy chuckled, patting Corey's back in an attempt to somehow soothe him.

His fists squeezing the boy's t-shirt, Corey had to take few deep breaths to get rid of the uncontrollable shaking of his body. He didn't know what came over him. He felt such an indescribable sense of relief the tears just kept on coming.

"Come on, Rey. You are scaring everyone around, and I'm not sure you want to do that." He lowered his voice to the point Corey had a problem understanding him. "Especially the older sibling, it looks like your alien has a bad temper," he whispered, directing his eyes on Azka'rah.

The prince's face was more similar to a demon than angel, reminding the boy of the Captain they saw back in the ship. His change wasn't as drastic as his, but it was still visible and a bit terrifying. He was starting to get a grasp of their sudden changes in appearance, and he wasn't too keen on finding out what would happen if the aliens got furious for some reason.

"What are you talking about, Patrick?" Corey mumbled, finally letting go of him and turning to see the aliens.

The younger sibling, Isdoy, looked normal to him. If he had to be honest, his rosily colored cheeks looked almost human-like. But Azka was a different story. He was turning scary again, his face white as snow, eyes almost black. There were even some strange bumps on his forehead, but he didn't have enough time to study it, as the sound of someone's footsteps filled the hall.

"They are finally coming," said Izzy, a slight smile playing on his lips. He was on the shy side when it came to dealing with other people, including his family. He loved them all, loved the few friends he had, but he just didn't know how to talk with them about different things. Over the years, Izzy lost a lot of friends because of his personality, which didn't help his case at all.

"Yes, we should get to our seats before they get here, or father will make a scene." Azka's appearance turned back to its normal state, though his frowning face stayed the same. He turned around, slowly walking towards the table, not looking back even once.

Corey was surprised by his behavior; the alien almost looked as if he was pouting for some reason. But it didn't make any sense, so he let it go in a matter of seconds, following him with Patrick right next to him. He felt a new wave of confidence with his friend there, his fear of the King long forgotten.

Deceitful Lottery (MxM)| Y.E.P.1 series, BOOK 1 - 4Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt