10. Chapter - Royal City

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Picture of Isdoy, Azka's little brother (picture belongs to LAS-T - https://las-t.deviantart.com/)

Hey! I'm sorry I didn't updated yesterday, but I fell asleep while writing. I woke up at 3 in the morning, still wearing my glasses, with my laptop in front of me and the TV on. It was so confusing! I had a problem to realize where I was, and what was going on for a minute. I should really start to go to sleep earlier when I have a day shift. I slept only for 3 hours the day before and that's probably the reason for my sudden sleep yesterday evening.


There are two new expressions in the alien language! The translation is at the end of the chapter!

Anyway, the chapter is here, and I hope you will enjoy it!


The night was terrible. Although Corey managed to fall asleep for a while, sleeping in a bathtub was not comfortable enough to make the sleep last longer than few hours. He woke up at least four times, his body hurting from the position he slept in. When the morning finally came, he felt even more tired than the night before. It took him forever to get ready for the breakfast; by the time someone was knocking on his door, he was still in the middle of getting dressed.

"Just a minute, please," he yelled, scared the person there would barge inside his room as Azka did the day before.

"Okay, I will wait," sounded from behind the door, but because the voice was muffled, he couldn't tell who exactly it was.

He expected to see Azka'rah when he opened the door, but was shocked to see his dad, the King's consort, there. Surprised, it took him a while to get moving again.

"Were you expecting my son, dear?" he suddenly asked, making Rey jump. He didn't think the alien would talk. Based on Azka's words, he was ashamed of his accent. But this was already the second time Qen spoke in front of him, so it was probably not the case.

"Well, yeah, kind of. He does live in the same wing, after all." He smiled nervously, starting his way towards the dining room.

Qen chuckled, taking the human's hand in his own. It, again, startled Corey because he didn't expect it, but he didn't try to shake the hand away. The alien looked so gentle and sincere at the moment, he couldn't find it in himself to do it. He felt like he would make him sad and offend him if he did that.

"Yes, he wanted to come. But he had a business to attend to, so he told me to come for you. The breakfast will be served soon." He smiled, looking at Corey with kind eyes. His expression changed to concerned one, though, when he realized the boy looked too exhausted considering it was only morning. He should be well rested and fresh-looking after a good night sleep.

"Did you sleep properly?" Qen asked, frowning. He didn't like the color of his skin and the bags under his eyes. It looked like he didn't sleep at all, and the alien didn't like that. They couldn't have the boys not taking care of themselves.

"Yeah, I...no. There was this strange sound coming from the walls, and I just couldn't sleep in the bed. I ended up sleeping in the bathroom." He tried to laugh, but the reminder of the sound gave him the creeps. He couldn't get rid of the feeling the scratching wasn't a normal thing, and he kept on wondering what exactly did it mean.

"A strange sound? What kind?" the alien asked, wrinkles of worries appearing on his face. He didn't like the sound of it. The walls in the palace were too thick to let any kind of sound in. There were only two options, and neither of them was good news for any of them; either Corey was hearing things that were not there, or it was the Refha, which would mean all of them were in great danger.

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