23. Chapter - Public Session

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As much as I love autumn, the season is quite sleepy. My productivity in writing is kinda worse than before, which is a nightmare, but I really try my best!

Anyway, here we go! A bad guy is finally making an appearance!


The way back to the palace was fast for Corey. After he left his friends to have a minute to himself, he managed to fall asleep and had to be woken up by Azka'rah when they finally arrived. It was already dark outside, and even though he spend majority of the day sleeping, he was still pretty tired. It was probably because he slept so much that he was so tired, and what he really needed was some sort of exercise. But his mind wasn't clear enough to think about it that way.

"Would you like something to eat? There should be dinner prepared for us in the kitchen," the prince asked while they were walking through the corridors. He could see Corey was barely standing, but he needed something to eat. He spent the whole drive sleeping, so he had to be hungry. And even if he wasn't, he should have at least something small. The prince wouldn't have the human starving.

"Can someone bring it to our room? I'm too tired to eat in the dining room," he mumbled, not realizing what he just said.

Azka looked at him, eyes a bit larger than before. After what happened the previous night, he expected Corey would want to move back to his room. He was ready to try to persuade him not to, thinking about all kinds of reasons during their journey. Seeing the situation now, he wasn't exactly sure how to react to it and what to think. It was probably the exhaustion speaking, but it still pleased him.

"Of course. Go on ahead and I will bring the food. I will be stopping by my father's study, so you should take a shower before I come back." He smiled, parting with him when they reached the main corridor, each of them going in opposite direction.

When Corey got to the room, he couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity to use the shower. Letting the hot water run down his body, he almost moaned at the sensation. His tired muscles relaxed, making Rey feel almost like a jelly, and he found himself thinking about nothing at all. It was a nice change as his mind was constantly occupied since day one on Nezda'rah.

Humming, he slowly washed away the soap, his stomach grumbling. I could seriously eat something right now, he thought, frowning.

With his mind resting, he dried off and left the bathroom with only towel covering his lower body. Going right for his part of the room so he could change, he paid little to no attention to his surroundings. A sudden intake of breath stopped him in his tracks, and he unintentionally let go of the towel, the soft piece of cloth slowly falling on the floor.

Azka was standing near his bed, a tray full of food laying on it, his expression showing just how unprepared he was for a situation like this. He was frozen at the spot, his eyes shining bright blue color in the dimmed light, mouth ajar.

When Corey realized what the situation was, his mind finally snapping back to work again, he shrieked, his voice unusually high. Grabbing the towel, his whole face red from the shame he felt at being exposed like this, he run right for his part of the room, hiding behind the wall. Putting on his clothes, he was wondering whether he should say something or pretend it never happened. He knew it was an accident, but he couldn't stop thinking about the fact the aliens were homosexuals. Rey was sure the alien wouldn't actually touch him in that way. He wasn't one of those people who thought a gay men were ready to jump any guy they saw. But he still felt way too conscious of the prince when he was completely naked in front of him, and the only reason he could come up with was his sexual orientation.

Deceitful Lottery (MxM)| Y.E.P.1 series, BOOK 1 - 4Where stories live. Discover now