13. Chapter - Nosebleed

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I'm sorry for the delay! I got stuck at a shopping mall yesterday, and got back home after 7 in the evening. With cooking the dinner and preparing myself for work, I didn't manage to finish the chapter. I got to bed at few minutes after 10 P.M. and I was immediately asleep. >.<

Being at work today is somehow so hard! I've been literally falling into a doze during whole day, and I have no idea what to do to stop it - that's why writing took so long. My eyes just keep on closing. And I will have to spend more than two hours in a shopping mall after my shift is over, again, because the trains and buses just don't work well on weekends, so I won't be able to get home sooner. And the bus will be full of people because there is this event happening in the city next to mine.

Sigh, I really need to get a new job where I won't have to work weekends and holidays >.<

But enough of my complaining. Enjoy the chapter!


It's been five days since Rey was forced to move in Azka's room, and he still felt like it was a dream from which he would wake up any minute. He couldn't really complain because the alien gave him as much space as he needed, and he didn't bother him at all, but he still couldn't make himself be at ease.

The first two nights were terrible. Although the room was really as big as the prince said, and Corey's bed was behind a dividing wall so it felt like it was his own room, he just wasn't able to relax. There was no door, just a free space to walk through, and that made him extremely edgy most of the time. He knew the alien was in the same room, he could hear him whenever he moved around, and his presence was so strong it felt as if he was being watched most of the time, even though Azka was reading or doing some other things that required his full attention. It got better as time flew, and, as the fourth night came, he even got enough sleep to not be tired the day after, but it still felt weird to him. There was all the stuff about Zahr'sihr and the stranger in the street as well, which wasn't helping. The aliens were still looking into it, and from what they told Corey so far, they still didn't discover any information that could help them solve the problem. In fact, they were still at the starting point, and everybody was frustrated because of it.

It was the fifth night today, and they agreed, surprisingly so, to watch a movie. Corey felt like an idiot when he ended up being shocked the aliens had something like movies and television. Of course they had something like that, why wouldn't they? They had spaceships and could travel through wormholes, for god's sake.

They were sitting on a couch in Azka's part of the room, looking through the files on his watch-like device that was connected to the television. Rey still couldn't grasp the fact it worked the way it did. After pressing one of the buttons on it, a luminous screen appeared right above the device, in the air, and it could be used the same way smartphones did, by touching. It looked like a hologram, but with prince being able to touch it and manage it that way, Corey's brain wasn't capable to fully process its functions.

"From the prospects we got, I understood you like action and science fiction movies as well as nature. I am not sure if our production will satisfy you, but we have quite a lot of documentary movies about all the inhabited planets we visited, and I thought you might find it interesting. If you do not want to watch these, there are, of course, normal movies I can offer. Our collection is quite big, so I am sure you will find something to your taste." The alien prince smiled, waiting for Rey to read through the short summaries every file offered.

Corey's eyes widened at Azka's words, and he stopped reading the moment he heard about the documentaries. Looking up, he felt like a child who just got a full jar of sweets.

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