28. Chapter - Double Entrende

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It took several minutes before Corey connected the dots. At first, his mind led him to the alarm that went off while they were in the Undersea city, but then he remembered the night he spent in the bathtub because a weird noise freaked him out. He almost forgot about the incident with the scratching back in his room. So many things had happened since then that it seemed unimportant.

Obviously, it was the other way around.

"Are you trying to tell me the scratching I heard in my room was one of those monsters trying to get in?" he asked, all blood draining from his face. The idea that he was sleeping – although hiding in the bathroom – and some rabid monster was making its way inside his room was on a completely new level of fucked up. He wasn't sure he would find sleep during the next few nights.

Azka had enough common sense to look ashamed and guilty. And taking into account the recent development, he would have to be a total psychopath not to. Corey could've been in direct danger, and no one cared enough to tell him the truth.

"I apologize again. At that time, we had no idea the Refha was actually organized now and mobilizing under a new leader - if what Zhar'sihr said was true. There had been cases from time to time when someone who changed without anyone else noticing wandered too close to the palace and tried to get in. But they always give up. The walls are just too thick for them. It would require dedication, and they do not have that." Or that is what they had believed for all those years.

If Zhar'sihr was actively working on assembling the Refha for his goals, whatever they were, it changed everything. Everything they had thought about the Refha and their occasional appearance could have been pretty much planned and calculated, not just a coincidence. That would mean Corey might have been targeted intentionally.

Azka squeezed Rey's hand. From now on, he wouldn't let him out of his sight.

"After proper investigation, all we found were just a few shallow scratches directly outside your room and here and there in the surrounding areas. It was the same thing that had been happening throughout history. You have to understand we had no intention of hiding crucial information from you. It just was not something we considered important at that time." The king's consort entered the room, carrying a plate full of fruit and other light refreshments. Corey noticed there were these small bread-like bites he loved to snack on. It was as close to chips as it could get. Except for the taste, which was more neutral and earthy than salty and spicy.

Qen sat down at the same spot he was before he left, placing the plate in the middle of the small circle all the people present created. Soon after, Isdoy and the king followed, both holding a handful of glasses and two big carafas of water.

"We decided not to explain everything because it was not relevant to your stay and would unnecessarily put your mind in places where it should not be. You should be enjoying yourselves, not be scared or worried about our issues."

All four boys looked at Qen, noticing his red-rimmed eyes and red, shining nose. He seemed so much more fragile like this. Even his expression and whole demeanor changed from a proud, gentle person to a miserable shell of a man. He must've cried really hard for it to show so distinctively.

Corey had to wonder, for the umpteenth time, what it had to be like to lose your child in such a manner. It brought out sympathy he wouldn't find within himself otherwise. Talking about the Refha had to bring out their bad memories, so it was understandable they tried to avoid it when possible. He couldn't be mad at the aliens knowing all of this.

"I don't want to sound harsh, but can we get back to the point? Even if we're safe here, we can't stay here forever." Patrick leaned back, frowning at the king, who followed his husband and sat by his side.

Deceitful Lottery (MxM)| Y.E.P.1 series, BOOK 1 - 4Where stories live. Discover now