21. Chapter - The Undersea City

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I have no excuse for the lack of updates. I cannot even believe the last update was back in April, but it's the sad reality. I never expected it would take such a long time, and that's why I didn't put the story on hold - if anyone was wondering why I left it be like this up until now.

I had a huge problem with this chapter as I couldn't figure out the right way to proceed, and I got stuck in the middle of it, unable to come up with a satisfying continuation. As you probably figured, I finally overcame the problem, and writing the rest of the chapter became as easy as breathing.

I know it has been terribly long, but I still hope you will keep on reading! I'll sum up the events that happened in the previous chapter in a short summary bellow this, so it should be easier to get back on track!

I'm extremely sorry for the wait! Hopefully, the chapter will be to your liking!


Events in the previous chapter

Corey saw the Chlost and ended up terrified. Azka took him to their room, and after a heart-to-heart conversation, they both fell asleep - resulting in an awkward situation when they woke up lying on one another. A while later, their whole group discussed the Undersea city with Erdhi, the Administrator of the city, when a weird sound resonated through the whole building, making every alien in the room alert. Erdhi then left the room when another person came in to speak to him, and the rest of them were left alone in his office without any information. 


The silence that filled the room after the Administrator left was terrible. It was heavy with tension and confusion, and no one really knew what to do or how to react to the new situation.

The humans kept on looking around, not really understanding what just happened, and the aliens were stiff, not moving an inch.

Both, Azka'rah and Nist'ahra, wanted to go out there and help with whatever threat had appeared, but Erdhi was right. The humans and Mogae couldn't stay alone, and Nist had to look after the princes, so going alone was out of question.

"What's going on?" Patrick asked after a moment, breaking the terrible silence. All pairs of eyes turned his way, two of them staring too intensely to his liking.

"What exactly did they say to each other?" he continued, pressing the aliens into talking, holding his ground. If they were in any kind of danger, they had the right to know about it, and Pat was starting to get fed up with all the lies and secrets.

Corey looked from his friend to Azka, wondering whether they would get an honest answer or just another one of their vague explanation that didn't really say anything. He was starting to get used to it, which was extremely wrong. But expecting more would just disappoint him later on.

It took a while, Azka looking from his brother to his friend and back to the humans, frowning as if contemplating whether to say the truth or not. He sighed, dragging his hand down his face, the simple gesture showing just how uneasy he felt at the moment.

"There was probably an accident. The sound you heard was an alarm. There are several types of alarms, each signaling a different problem. The one that went off minutes ago is the worst one that could have caught us here. It means imminent danger. I am not sure what happened, it could be just an error in the system or something, but we have to wait to see," he said, staring at the door in front of him the whole time.

His face was stiff, not showing any emotion. It spoke for itself, and Rey was one hundred percent sure he didn't tell them everything. But even such a small information was good at the moment, so he ignored the gnawing feeling of dread that was slowly creeping up on him. He assumed he was feeling like that because of the sudden unfamiliar situation. And knowing they were in real danger was better than not knowing anything at all.

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