26. Chapter - The Real Truth

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So, Deceitful Lottery is back! Getting back into this story was a bit hard due to a different writing style. I've been writing exclusively in first person for the past few years, and the style I use in this story is one big mess. I feel like it's a bit awkward at the beginning, but please endure it for now. I feel like by the end of this chapter, I was finally getting the gist of it again ^.^


„You know, I'm officially swearing off alcohol and any other substances that mess up with your head," Adam said, breaking the tense silence that followed Corey's question. The tension in the room grew with each minute, and he found himself out of breath suddenly, as if he just run a short marathon.

„We could be sitting in a pub or swimming in the lake. Instead of that, we are in the middle of some fucked up conflict on some weird-ass planet outside of our solar system, locked in this room for whoever knows how long." He was scratching behind his ear, almost obsessively, looking all stiff, his face void of the typical pinkish color on his cheeks and nose.

"I'm officially regretting my decision to space travel," he laughed, his eyes glossing over.

"Space travel, ha. It even sounds bizarre. I might be stuck in a coma back home, dreaming all of this up. That would make more sense than all this alien bullshit being real." Leaning back, he looked up at the ceiling.

Everyone present, except for the two royal guards standing in front of the door, doing their job of guarding the royal family, looked at Adam with concern in their eyes. He was obviously losing it. And considering his easy-going behavior so far, it freaked everyone out. No one dared to speak or move, as if in fear of breaking him to the point of no repair. Everyone except for Patrick.

"Snap out of it, you idiot. Corey and Niel freak out enough for both of us. I need someone rational enough with me here. As much of a goofball as you are, you do your part when it counts, so calm down." He smacked him across his chest, frowning. The last thing Patrick needed was to be surrounded by aliens in a dangerous situation with his friends in panic mode. He might be sensible and practical, but even those traits had their limit in specific situations. He needed Adam to be his usual self, to settle his own jangled nerves.

When Adam's eyes focused and turned toward Pat, he relaxed a little. He could see his friend's sanity and healthy color slowly coming back to him. They all just needed a bit more time to absorb everything that had happened without thinking about unnecessary nonsense.

Once Patrick came to the conclusion that Adam would be okay, he looked at Rey and Niel, assessing their state of mind. Niel was still grumpy and fed up with everything - if his flaring nostrils and tense jaw were anything to go by - but he was keeping his temper at bay. Better than a panic attack, Patric thought.

Turning his eyes toward Corey, he felt them widen when he noticed how put together he looked. It almost seemed as if his friend was a completely different person, considering his typical freak-out persona whenever something happened. It was a weird time for Rey to be so collected, but Pat wasn't about to complain.

He was about to ask some serious questions when Qen stood up abruptly, walking towards the kitchen without as much as a glance at them.

"I will bring some water and food. You have been in this room for hours without anything to eat or drink. You must be exhausted from all of that," he called back, and Patrick could swear he heard his voice tremble with hidden tears.

He couldn't stop his mind slipping back to the intruder, wondering what it all meant.


Completely unaware of his friend's musings, Corey followed the king consort's every step, noticing just how tense and weak on his legs he appeared. The whole scene in the assembly hall obviously took a great toll on him, and it was admirable he wasn't curled up in bed, trying to forget everything. If everyone really thought the oldest son of the Royal family was dead until today, he needed to know why.

Deceitful Lottery (MxM)| Y.E.P.1 series, BOOK 1 - 4Where stories live. Discover now