Chapter 2

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Park Chaeyoung.

The name itself irritates Jungkook. It's been almost a year since his break-up but he's still in the process of moving on.

He's starting to forget the past. He almost felt he had moved on. Slowly day by day forgetting the painful past. But why did he have to met her?

That Park Chaeyoung.

That freaking girl who reminds him a lot of his ex-- Lisa.

Maybe not the physical, they do not look like each other although she also has that tall slim figure, those chubby cheeks, long legs and a beautiful smile.

Maybe that playful and child like personality. The way she talks, the way she pouts, the way she behaves. He don't know why when he sees her, he's always reminded of his ex. And it's not good. Because it only brings him pain.

She's looks too innocent to him. But hey, looks could be deceiving. He promise himself he will not be fooled anymore.


Jungkook stops in his tracks when he saw Chaeyoung is approaching him. He then decided to take the opposite direction to avoid her.

"Kookie wait!" Chaeyoung shouted his name loudly through the corridors. He sigh in annoyance. How dare she calls him Kookie? They were not close for her to do so. And they are in a fvcking corridors! He glared at some of the students who smiled upon hearing his cute nickname. He walks faster for her not to catch up.

But she did.

She blocked his way. One hand in front of his chest and the other on her knee panting.

"You walk too fast." she said after catching her breath. This girl is too weak, he thought.

Chaeyoung shove him a paper bag with packed lunch. "I just wanted to give you this. I cooked it specially for you."

"Will you stop bugging me?" he asks in irritation his forehead ceased.

He can't remember when he first saw her. She just came out of nowhere and suddenly bug him one day.

Chaeyoung pouted cutely. "But I just wanted to give you this. Promise it's delicious. I'm a good cook you know. And it's your favorite."

He arched a brow. How can she know about his favorite food? He still not accepting the paper bag in her hands. "How would you know about my favorite?"

"I just knew it. Connections." she answered. He just scoffed.

She handed the paper bag to him. "Just take it, okay? I'll go first. I don't want to be late." She patted on his shoulders before she whispers. "See you around, Kookie." then winked at him.

What the hell is her problem? She's like some clingy girlfriend. But he don't even know her. She just came out of nowhere and suddenly acting like they're close when actually they're not!


Days, weeks and months had passed but the girl, Park Chaeyoung is still bugging him. It's like she have nothing better to do but to annoy him.

Walking through his room he saw her coming his way. He knows that she's here just for him. They are not taking the same course! Her department building is literally on the other side of the university.

"Good morning, Kookie." she greeted with a wide smile. She blocked his way so he had no other choice but to stop.

"You again?" he make sure to sound annoyed.

"Yes, it's me. Park Chaeyoung, at your service." she says cheerily while bowing like a knight. "Won't you greet me back?" she asked sweetly, cheeks puffing and lips pouting.

"There's no good in the morning." he simply says.

She then playfully punch her arms. "Hey don't say that! Everything is good in the morning because you got to have another blessing. The moment you wake up is already a blessing. Isn't that good, huh?" her smile just got wider but not showing any of her teeth. "And, I got to see you. That's what good in the morning."

Jungkook crossed his arms. "Maybe yours, not mine."

Chaeyoung pouted. "Hey, it's too early to be annoyed. Come on. Give me some smile. You're more handsome in it."

"How can I smile with your presence?"

"You're so mean!" she also crossed her arms.

Jungkook grinned. "If you want me to smile, then don't come near me. I don't want to see you again."

"Nope. If I don't go near you, I will not get to see your smile." she smirked at him.

Jungkook just rolled his eyes. He just can't handle Chaeyoung. She's too stubborn. "Your so annoying."

"I know. Annoying but pretty." she said with a wink.

"Pretty, huh? Who told you that?"

"Everyone! You're the only one who can't see the beauty in me."

Jungkook stares at her face. And yes, it's undeniable. She's beautiful. But still irritating.

He walk past her but she just follow him. Good thing it's too early in the morning so there's just a few students in the corridors.

He then stop. He wanted to ask. Once and for all. "What exactly to do you want from me?"

"Are you seriously asking me that?"

"I am serious." Jungkook answered with a straight face.

"Then my answer is you." she said very sweetly. He arched a brow. "And I'm serious."

"I don't have time for this, okay? Just stop whatever you're doing."

"Whatever I'm doing is called Courting Mister. It's a way to make you mine. I'll make you fall in love with me. I'll make sure of that."

"I will never. I am sure of that."

Jungkook leave her in the corridors. He don't care if she's hurt. He should have been nicer but it would just make her think about something. She might gave meaning to it if he show her kindness.

He feels irritated. She always walks him in almost all of his class. It's creepy that's she knows all of his schedule.

But she's a tough girl. She will not give up with those words. But Jungkook also has this determination is his heart. He's still not ready to love again. And if he ever try again, not with her. Not with her who only reminds him of his past. Cause it's like reopening the wounds that were almost healed. He will not waste his time that he used to move on just to be fooled again.

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