Chapter 19

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It's been two months since I last updated. I felt bad. It was so long I have to reread my own story and the old ver in order to come up with an update 😂 (Tho I have already written some Chapters after even before writing this Chap. Yes, I'm weird. Lol 😜)  A lot has change from the old ver because of Taehyung. lol. Anyways I don't want to be like Hyunsukie (lol. Jennie 😂) so here's an update! 😊😘


It's been days since Taehyung's birthday party. Chaeyoung and Jungkook didn't get to talk properly after that day.

Chaeyoung noticed how Jungkook started avoiding her and it pained her.

She will always call him but he will just tell her he's busy everytime.

He started to gain new friends which she can not complain about. But-- she was his only friend before in the Uni, besides his classmates and Jieun ofcourse who is a senior to them. He begun going out with his 'new friends' and starts to forget about her.

It's just normal to have other friends than her but it's just so sudden. It's like yesterday, she's the only one he's always with and forget about her the next day when he gained another.

Right. It's just a stupid game at the arcade the he agreed upon. He can always decline. He can just walk away. But he still ride with it. He don't really want to be her friend in the first place.

It's not like before that he will date a lot of girls just to make her feel that she don't stand a chance to be his girl. Now, he gained a lot of friends. Who is she to stop him to socialize and bring back his old goofy self? He's finally returning to his old self. And maybe it's because of Lisa coming back to his life.


"I'm here." Chaeyoung informed as she entered their house. But it was too soft because she don't have much energy left. Everything happening around her is draining her.

She put her things on the couch in the living room before walking through their kitchen to get some water.

She was a little startled to see a familiar face in the area. But give a wide smile eventually.

"Missed me?" Jisoo, her older cousin asked her and spread her arms to welcome Chaeyoung for a hug.

She ran to Jisoo and hugged her back. She didn't realize that she was already crying as Jisoo hugged her tighter. The latter patted her head and whisper, "Everything will be okay, Chaeyoungie."

Jisoo made her look at her and remove the hair that's covering her face. "Okay." Chaeyoung response as she nod her head.

"Are those tears really for me?" Jisoo eyed the younger suspiciously.

Chaeyoung pouted a little guilty.


"Let's talk." Jisoo told Chaeyoung before climbing up the stairs as she followed her.

She went straight to Chaeyoung's room where she usually stays whenever she was in they're  house.

"Don't you have jetlag?" Chaeyoung asked jokingly.

"I wanted to talk to you." she said sternly.

"Can you ask me first  if I wanted to talk to you?" she playfully asked her again.

She's usually like this to her. She's not just a cousin to her. But a closest friend. A sister.

"Don't you dare avoid me Chaeyoung." she sounded so serious so Chaeyoung decided to stop with the teasing. Yes, she want to avoid the topic she knows they're about to talk about and what they have been talking about whenever the older sees her.

Jisoo sat on the edge of the bed and tap the space beside her. Chaeyoung followed with her staring at her feet.

"Come to Australia with me when I go back."

Chaeyoung bit her lip as her vision started to blurr.

"We already talked about it Unnie."

Jisoo closed her eyes while holding on her temples.

"Yes I let you because you told me you're gonna take care of yourself." Jisoo as the older one don't want to show Chaeyoung how she's slowly breaking inside. She have to be strong for Chaeyoung. "Look at you! You're not getting any better." She manage to keep a straight and serious face infront of Chaeyoung.

She needs her to come with her in Australia!

"Please let's not talk about it Unnie." she soflty muttered. She badly wanted to avoid this conversation.

"No. Let's talk about it. Tell me about that guy you choose over us!" Jisoo slowly giving in and start to show her emotions.

Chaeyoung who knows she can't win an argument over Jisoo started to tell her stories about that man. Jungkook, the one who she choose to be with but the one that will always choose to be away from her.

She told her stories how she approach Jungkook and how they started to get close. But of course, not the full story because for sure, she will got mad at Jungkook. Which is not right. She choose to be with the guy. Not the other way around.

"Do you really love him?" Jisoo asked her looking into her eyes.

Chaeyoung stares back at her as if telling her how much she do through it.

"Tell me Chaeyong. Do you really love him?" she asked again. "What if he really fall for you. Do you even thought about what would he feel? You wanted him to fall for you! And what if he did? What would you think he'll feel Chaeyoung? You wanted him to love you when you already give up on yourself. You will just leave him eventually Chae. So please stop when you still can. Stop it now when he's not yet falling for you. Aren't we enough people to miss you?" and a tear fell in Jisoo's eyes. "Please come with me when it's not yet too late."

Chaeyoung felt daggers. Thousands of them straight to her heart. Then somewhat felt relief.

"Don't worry Unnie. It's never gonna happen."

Jisoo pulled Chaeyoung into a5 hug. Both cried in each other shoulders pouring everything out of their chest.

Chaeyoung knows that Jisoo is just worried about her. She's right. She had never thought of that. She's just wanted to be happy. She's dumb for realizing just now.

And she never felt rejection can be this relieving.


Still waiting? You're a true blink! 😂

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