Chapter 22

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Chaeyoung has been staring at her reflection on the mirror for so long. She's been preparing herself for the last hour but she can't get herself to stand up.

This is it. This will be the last time. She promised not just to Jisoo but also to herself that it'll be the last. After this day, she promised to accept what Jungkook descision will be. Even if she already knows what it is. This time she will accept that Jungkook will never really love her that way she wanted him to.

But even though Jungkook didn't love her back, she's still happy. She got a chance to be with him and even befriended him. Maybe it's already enough memories to bring to afterlife.

Yes, she already accepted her fate. That the pages of her story is nearing the end. That she's already close to her deadline.

Her family, especially her Mom, has been convincing her nonstop to do the treatment. But she don't want to. It's her body. And she knows that she can't last that. Her remaining short time will just be shortened more. She don't want them to exert money and effort. She will still die whatsoever. It will just be a false hope. She was always positive but not on this matter.


Maybe luck is on Chaeyoung today. She found Jungkook right away in one of the benches in the field and immediately approach him.

"Good Morning Kookie!" she greeted him so lively like what she always do.

Jungkook looked at her with eyes that seems to have a lot to say. When they locked eyes, Jungkook immediately look away. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes pretented to be asleep.

He bats his eyes open again when someone pokes on his cheeks. He look at Chaeyoung again and remember what Jieun told her yesterday.

"Jungkook, I just don't want you to get hurt please."

"What are you doing here?" he asked in a little annoyed voice but the girl just smiled at him widely.

"I missed you." she said in his face before getting up and pick his arms and dragged him. "Come on. Let's go out. You still owe me a date."

"Wait!" he pulled his arm from her and pretend to brush off dust from it.

Chaeyoung felt her heart crushing pieces by pieces.

Come on Chaeyoung. This will be the last time.

"I just wanted to go out for a bit and try something. Promise we will not take long!"

Can he really do this? He sigh and keep in mind what Jieun told him.

"Just do it Jungkook. Believe me it'll be for the better."


Chaeyoung almost jump in joy when she heard his answer.

"That's great! Really!" she said in a whisper while staring at his beautiful face. "Thank you so much. Now come on."


The day went on just fine. Chaeyoung just drags Jungkook wherever she wanted to. Jungkook just lets her to do so because the truth is, a part of him wanted to be with her too.

After finishing two movies and experience what a usual date should be, Chaeyoung drags Jungkook again. This time, to a place she always want to be in.

"You know what? I really wanted to go here for the long time." Chaeyoung muttered as she looks at the beauty infront of her. "But it'll be so much better if I'm with someone special. I mean, you are special to me. But having someone who you love and loves you back, watching the sunset together, isn't that romantic?" she said dreamily while closing her eyes and feeling the cold breeze on the beach.

This is it! Just tell her Jungkook!

"Chaeyoung." he softly called her. He don't know where to start. "I wanted to tell you something."

"Hmmm?" Chaeyoung hummed in response. "What is it?"

"I- I lo--"

Jungkook can not finish what he have to say.

"I don't think I can."

"I mean I--I--, Jieun and I,

he started.

"We're together now. This time, for real."

Chaeyoung opens her eyes as she heard what he has said. She look up to the sky to prevent tears about to fall. Fortunately, luck is with her today cause no tears left her eyes and she looked at him.

"It's a relief then." she let out a deep sigh. "I am happy for you."

Jungkook was confused for a moment. He was expecting a different response. He's expecting her to whinned about it. He expecting her not to believe in him.

"Relief? What do you mean?" Jungkook's jaw clenched and felt a little sting in his eyes.

Chaeyoung heaved a deep and long sigh. "I'll be going somewhere far. And I'm so glad that I'll be leaving you happy."

Jungkook can not come up with something to say. "Where is that far supposed to be?" he asked.

"Don't ask me that Jungkook." she answered while pouting cutely with a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I might hope you'll visit me. It's just-- let's just say somewhere far. So far away where I can not reach you anymore. Sounds good?"

"How is that sounds good?" Jungkook asked in a ceased forehead.

"Sorry for bothering you for so long Jeon. You know, everything must come to an end. And maybe, for me, it's now the end." Chaeyoung put up a smile. "I will always pray for your happiness. Congrats!" she said and pats Jungkook's shoulder.

Chaeyoung gets up and shake off the sand in her clothes then Jungkook follow.

"Jeon, can I ask you a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Can you let me hug you? For the first and last time?"

Jungkook didn't answer but pulled her in a tight hug instead.

He knows he has a lot to say. But he can't seem to find the right words for it. His mind went blank and can't still process whatever is happening.

"Why you sound we're not gonna see each other again?"

"Cause I don't wanna see you again?" She said with a giggle. But you can feel the emotions she always keeping inside. "I got so much pain already I think it's enough. I need to be happy too. You need to be happy too. You deserved it!"

They're not even starting yet but it feels like they are already breaking up.

"You should go home now." Chaeyoung told Jungkook after she broke the hug.

"I'll drive you home."

"No need. I actually wanted to stay longer."

"Then I'll stay here with you."

"Jungkook I'm fine. I will be fine." Chaeyoung gave him a smile to assure him. "In time." the last line was in a whisper and it didn't reach his ears.

"I'll go now then."

Chaeyoung nods and smile so widely but didn't reach her eyes.

"Good bye Jeon. It was really nice meeting you."

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