Chapter 23

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Chaeyoung watched Jungkook as he walked far away from her. Every steps of him feels like he is stepping on her heart. This pain is much more painful that her having attacks. Jungkook gave her one last look and she makes sure to give him her brightest smile for the last time and gave him big waves. Then she mouthed 'good bye and thank you, Jeon.'

She'll be fine in time. Not anytime soon. But she knows she will. She hopes so.

The semester has not ended yet but her chasing him should end now. There's no reason for her too see him again right? And it's likely he don't want to see her again.


Jungkook walked back to his car with a heavy heart. He just let his tears falls down as he seated inside. He's always pushing Chaeyoung away from him because he doesn't want to get hurt again. He didn't accept her to avoid the pain, but still-- he's hurting inside. The pain is too much. He don't think he can still handle it.

He then started the engine and drive away from there. But as he was going farther and farther away from her, his heart is being teared bit by bit.

Is he too cruel for not accepting her love? Is it too much for closing his heart for a possible love when he was hurt just one time? Is he too much? Is it wrong to protect your heart to all the possible pain?

He don't want to get hurt but isn't he now? He's already hurting too much inside, why not take a risk now?

With that in mind, he made a u-turn and decided to go back. To take a risk. To accept Chaeyoung. Yes, he will be hurt if it turns out she really can't stay. But atleast he will be happy. R-right?

He wanted to be happy this time. He don't want to think too much this time anymore and just enjoy the present. Be with Chaeyoung.

As he get down from the car, he quickly ran over to the seaside where he left her a while ago. But Chaeyoung is  not there anymore. She is now nowhere to be seen. There were no traces left. Like no one has been there before. She said she wanted to stay longer but she was already gone. Why? He felt his knees weakened and he falls to the cold sand.

He then continuously hit his chest trying to ease the pain inside.

Why he's so unlucky?


The next day, Jungkook texted Jieun to meet him. He needed someone to talk or else he thinks he's going crazy.

"Noona!" Jungkook called Jieun as he sees her like he was a child telling his mom that he was bullied.

He looks like mess. There are bags under his eyes. His hair looks like he just woke up when he looks like he doesn't sleep at all at the same time.

"What happened?" she asked concern. "Did you do what I tell you?"

She looks at Jungkook and waited for his answer.

But Jungkook just stay silent and look at Jieun who is already looking at him in a meeted brows.

"Jeon Jungkook!" Jieun shouted whisper his name in annoyance and frustration. "Don't tell me you didn't?!"

He slowly shake his head as an answer.

"I was so scared Noona. I'm so scared." Jungkook said and started to break down in front of Jieun. He seated in the nearest chair he found because he's too weak now. "I came back. I came back but she was no longer there. She said she wanted to stay longer but she didn't. What if-- what if she really can't stay like what she said?"

"What did I tell you Jungkook?" Jieun's forehead met her palms. Her head is starting to ache because of this hard headed Jungkook. "You won't really listen to me, would you? What did you do this time?" Jieun massage her temples and walks back and fort trying to think of what she can do to help the man crying in front of her.

He is her friend. She had feeling for him before. But it was all in the past now. Looking both Jungkook and Chaeyoung, you can see how they mean for each other. And who is she to come in between? And her love for him is not that deep anyways.

Chaeyoung has been so bold about her feelings for Jungkook but she can't seem to realize that Jungkook is falling for her as well.

Jungkook, even little by little is already showing signs that he already falls for her. But-- these two! They maybe needs a little push. And Jieun is there to help them in any way she can.

She can't blame Chaeyoung tho. She might feel delusional whenever Jungkook shows any signs of his love because it's what he always saying to her. So she supposed they need words as confirmation of what they truly feel for each other. Always being in denial erase the fact that actions speak louder than words to them.

"I- I told her that you and I, are together now. For real." Jungkook whispered because he's so embarassed of what he did again. He's ashamed of himself of not being brave to tell her the truth.

"What the fvck Jungkook!" Jieun's palm landed on her forehead again. "Is it that hard to confess?" Jieun is already loosing it and just wanted to beat up Jungkook to get on his senses. "You don't want to get hurt, but can't you see?" She holds on Jungkook's shoulder before continuing. "Not giving both of you a chance also hurts you. Love comes with pain Jungkook. But love, love can only makes you happy."

"Noona, I'm sorry." he knows he did wrong again. As soon as he saw the tears that's about to fall in Chaeyoung's eyes that day, he already knows he's wrong. But he can't just take it back because he was too scared for the pain not realizing he's already feeling it by pushing her away.

"Keep it, Jungkook. You should be apologizing to Chaeyoung instead." Jieun pulled Jungkook into a hug and gave his back little pats to calm him.

"Confess your true feelings for her already." Jieun hold on both Jungkook's shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "Not all time she likes you Jungkook. Not all the time she's there. I'm telling you this again, do it before it's too late."

But, can he?


Even if I'm not there yesterday, I know the concert was lit. I promise I will not lose my chance to see them next time! I want to see them. I have to see them! I need to 😭😭😭

PS. Sorry. I posted it wrongly the other day. I'm just adding something and I'm only supposed to save it but then I realized it was already published when it's not yet done so I unpublished it right away. Anyways thank you so much y'all for loving this story. Mwah 😘

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