chasing sasuke...or not...

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I heard a loud yell as i watched sasuke run out of the bathroom without any clothes or towel. Then i see my brother itachi run out after him in a towel.

I continued to look on at them as they ran and itachi chased our little brother.

...Should i help him? ...Nah he an do it himself, but if this continues on later then i guess i would have to help...

I then looked away from them and walked off, ignoring my brothers cries and itachi calling out to me to help him.

~few hours later~

I walk back there again to still see the chasing after sasuke thing still going on...

...What? Shouldn't itachi have cought him by now? ...Annoying...i guess i have to help now...

I then ran towards them and picked up sasuke, who kept moving around.

Itachi then ran up to us breathing a little heavy and was wearing clothes and not a towel unlike earlier...

Ok i guess that might be a reason why it was taking so long...

"..Here..." i said as i handed sasuke to itachi.

"..Thanks.." itachi said as he took sasuke from me and walked back to the bathroom.

Then i turned around to leave and then i heard more yelling from the bathroom.

I looked back to see sasuke ran back out of the bathroom with itachi hot on his tail. But this time itachi was covered in water and almost slipped a few times as he chased sasuke.

...ok I'm not helping itachi this time...mostly because i had just cought him and give him to itachi a few seconds ago..

Ok wait a sec, how did itachi lose Sasuke this time and so quickly? And how did he lose sasuke last time too?

...sigh, what i would do for my brothers...but I'm not helping, itachi needs to do it on his own...

I continued watching them as they ran back and forth. I looked left then right, and kept repeating as they ran left then right...

...When will this end? Ok I'm leaving those two alone for a while...

I then left for the park.

~at the park~

I finally got to the park, only to see not that many kids or parents here...i then looked over at the swing set, only to see a hair of sunshine...wait what?

I did a double take as i looked back over, i then noticed it was naruto who i haven't met yet. He was alone at the swing set...

...I'm gonna talk to him...i then walked over to him as he had a downcast look on his face.

"..Hey kid, what are you doing by yourself?" i asked as he looked up at me.

"..Your a kid too, so don't call me kid!" he said with a pout.

"Yeah I'm a kid, but I'm older then you so until you tell me your name, you will be called kid.." i said as i pretended not to know him.

He tried glaring at me but..yeah it didn't work out as it looked like he was pouting and all that stuff...

"My names naruto uzumaki and I'm going to be the next hokage!" he shouted at me.

"Ok then i hope you accomplish your goal..." i said as he froze.

"..Wait aren't you gonna say i can't be hokage or something?" he asked hesitantly.

"Why should i? It's your goal, why should i say you can't be hokage when you one day might be the next hokage? Besides i think you might be hokage someday...just maybe not now but someday you will ki-er naruto." i said as he grew teary-eyed...

He lunged at me and tackled me into a hug...or at least he tried to. I was still standing as he hugged me.

"Your the first person to say something like that to me..." he mumbled.

"..Why do you want to be hokage naruto?" i asked already knowing the answer but i wanted to hear it from him.

"I want to be hokage so then everyone will have to acknowledge and respect me!" he said with determination.

"Being hokage isn't about being acknowledge or respected..." i started saying as his eye's grew a little wide at that.

"..Then what's it about?" he asked with curiosity.

"Before the hokage even becomes the hokage, people already respected them and all that stuff. But being hokage means that your the leader but the hokage also protects the citizens of the village. They are also responsible for day-to-day affairs. The hokage will also protect the village even at the cost of his own life. Like for example, the fourth hokage frought to protect the village against kur- i mean kyuubi and it cost him his life." i said hoping naruto would understand.

" the hokage protects the villagers and all that stuff..." he said with a hint of understanding.

"Yes..say naruto, who is your precious person?" i asked.

"..My precious..person?" he said hesitantly.

"Yes the person you want to protect, like friends or family. But sometimes it can even be those you think of as family. It doesn't even have to be family." i said.

"Hmm..." naruto hummed as he started thinking.

I smiled and then noticed the time. Time to go...

I then turned around and started walking but not before i said "i have to go and think about it a little bit, will you?"

"Wait what's your name?!" naruto yelled as i looked back at him.

"It's hikaru!" i yelled back.

Then i heard naruto yell, "i will protect those i consider my precious persons! That includes you hikaru!"

I chuckled, naruto i do not deserve to be your precious person, i never was when i made up my mind.

"I do not deserve to be seen as your precious person naruto." i whispered silently and unknown to me, naruto heard it.

I then left for my home, after a while of walking i got there.

I then went to see if sasuke and itachi were still at it. I heard nothing before i heard yelling and a crash as sasuke ran past me and itachi hot at his heel.

I facepalm, really? They are still at it? I then ignored them for the rest of the day. Even when i heard crashing and yelling i did nothing but ignore them...

Hmm...i wonder what naruto will do now...

Finished and over a thousand words so don't complain...well I hope ot was alright!

What should the next chapter be?

Ja ne~

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