years later and I already tried...

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It's already been years now...i saw how much my brothers have grown...i wish i could have been there to see it...but oh well i couldn't help but want to protect them....

I wonder what Kyushu would have said if he ever saw how i am now...i miss him...he was kinda like another brother to me....i hope he's doing alright now...

Though i don't expect to see him ever again..and unlike my life, i hope he lives a long and peaceful life...

After all, we did live in 'that world' i already tried getting the host of nine tails...well tried isn't the right word...more like pretended to try...and i don't think many would like to be called host...sorry naruto...

...Will they ever forgive me? I have hurt them...i have forsaken my own family for two of my brothers and the children to live... I have turned my back on the chance of doing it right...on staying a family...have i done anything right? I guess I'm not really least to the people i left behind...they should have moved on already...if not, then my death should help or at least make them move on...i think...

I don't know what to do...not anymore....but i will do what i have protect them...i can only hope that they decide not to destroy ou-no their home...i don't deserve that place to be my home...not after what I've been doing..even if it was for my brothers and the children...and even if it was to help them and become a spy...i still don't deserve that place to be my home again...

Oh boy...if Kyushu ever heard my thoughts...he would probably slap me and call me an idiot for even thinking that...then he would probably go on and on about how i shouldn't be thinking that and how it will always be my home in my heart....but then again i would probably ignore that and probably begin to think about something similar...he would probably notice that and slap me again...and probably do some other things along with talking...

...Well i hope he never hears my thinking...huh..i guess he was right that i probably did have self-confidence issues...i might need to work on that....oh's not like I'm going to live very long...because my brothers will kill is close...kinda...huh...this would probably be one of the last thoughts without my brothers trying to kill me...probably...

~a few months later ~

It started...they are coming to take my life...I'm...glad...i don't deserve to live...not after all of this...but if needed, i will come back to life...for those who cared and for those i cared brother's are getting closer now...i can feel them...their chakra...they will probably be here in a few minutes..Which Leaves me alone a bit longer...which I'll use to think for now...

Will i be satisfied? Will they be satisfied when they kill me? What will i do after i die? Will i look like i did before i was reborn? Will i continue to look like this? Will my family recognize me? What should i do or say if i meet them again? What will my brother's feel after my death? After they find out the truth? What will they feel after that? Will they regret it? Will they become angry? Will they want to destroy their home?

Will they become insane? Will they want to kill everyone who stands in their way? Will they kill those who stood by them? Their friends? Their second-maybe-people-who-become family to them?

I-oh...their here....I'm finally going to die...for the sins i have committed...

Finished..yeah probably a bit unexpected...i hope you like and enjoy reading this! Mostly because i decided some days ago to work on this a bit longer instead of switching between stories that will need updates feel lucky! I decided to maybe work on one more chapter before switching to

Ja ne~!

Itachi's twin: the pathOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora