years later after i killed them...(a flashback)

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I did it... All the uchiha are dead except my brothers...(and maybe more..) I feel this great pain in my chest in doing it...Is it sadness? Or is it regret? I don't know...I'm at a lost when it comes to emotions...

I told them the same words itachi would have told our younger brother had i not been born and knew what would happen...everything happened just like the anime...or whatever it's called nowadays...

Danzo also threatened to kill all of them including my brothers if i didn't accept and kill everyone but my brothers...the only few things that are  different is that some people that died during the kyuubi's attack were alive because of me...and secretly i made a new jutsu that could bring people back to real people and not like edo tensei...

As long as they could get to the place where they had their chakra or something like that...then bam, they are living once more...

Hmm..i wonder how the children are doing...oh did i forget to mention that i didn't kill the children? I couldn't handle killing children so i took them and hid them...i also made fake bodies for them and made it look like i actually killed them as well...i also had fake madara help me to massacre the uchiha clan..well most of them...though he was the the one to kill all the adults except my parents...for some reason he left the children the only ones i actually did kill were my parents...though they were already dying....

Though I guess no one noticed that the children were all fakes...which is a relief to me, so they won't be needlessly picked by danzo or someone else for something or eliminated....

I'm not evil...i won't hurt kids...unless it can't be helped...but i would most likely knock them unconscious at least...

I also hope i don't go after naruto because i was close to him like my brothers...someone that i was close to will mostly like find something weird or something like that about me and try to find out what it was or is...

If i had to meet someone i was close to then it might ruin my plans...they might find out the truth and tell everyone in the village or something and i don't need that to happen...

..If it did...i don't know what i would do...i might even have to kill that person...though it also depends on who it is...

Though i wouldn't want that, i would do it for the sake of my brothers...i would do just about anything for them...even if it meant killing our clan, killing those who find out, killing fake madara(probably), i would do anything for their sake...even if i have to die again and come back to life, i will do it...

For my brothers...anything can be least for me it is, i gave someone to protect...well not just someone, my friends...what's left of the uchiha clan, people i care about...

...and when i have someone to protect, i am or can be stronger when i have to protect someone...

Though i will end up fighting my brothers one day on the battle field, at least i know i can die knowing that aren't alone, they have each other, even if i end up dying alone, for my brothers sake, i will do it all...

I already took the disease that had started to develop in my brother itachi, lucky for him, he won't ever have that disease ever again...lucky for me, i got to him in time to take it from him and put it into me...unlucky for me, i will most likely be in pain even before my own death...

I don't like pain...i doubt a lot of people would to unless they are a masochism...

...I don't fear death...i fear the pain that might come with it...some people think they fear death, even when people die every single day, every minute, second, week, month, and even's a fact that everyone dies, (at least until it's proven to be false, but i doubt it) it's apart of life itself.

Why fear death? Why not the pain that might come with it? Is it supposed to be a fact that everyone fears death? I don't think I'm afraid of dying myself, i think I'm more afraid of the maybe pain i might fear while dying and the possibility of dying alone kinda scares me as well...

I don't think anyone should die alone, it might just be the scariest thing besides dying in pain...

I don't want either of those to happen to is all for the sake of my brothers, including dying in pain and alone...

I doubt many things will change my mind on how to protect them...but...there are a few things that van change my mind in that matter...but...i won't say anything until it actually happens...

Though I'm glad, my brothers won't be alone after I'm gone...they have each other...they don't need me anymore...i can't just babysit them all the time.

They need to stand up on their own two feet without me there for them...i just hope i don't come to regret this decision...though i regret very few, i still have regrets that i would have loved to fix...

One day when they see reason, i hope they don't get angry at ou-no, their home now...i also hope they don't become insane with the determination to kill or hurt their home...

I don't want to see that after everything i did for them...but...i will support my brothers in whatever they think they should do or what is right...

I can't stay in the past, i can't or shouldn't be thinking about this yet because it's a little early..but...i can't help's been on my mind for many years now..

I still can't also help but think 'Am i right? Am i wrong? Should i do this a different way? ...Will they be alright by themselves?'

I hope I'm doing the right decision...i don't want them to die...they are too young for that...

A thousand words! Yay! High fives everyone for i have finally updated this story! I'm so glad to be finished! And OMG i forgot to publish this and i already published the other chapters! Woops...well I'm publishing this I'm making it into a flashback after everything happened...ok?

Well until next time...

Ja ne~! {^_^}

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