I'm dead...

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So i died the same way as itachi would have in the anime...except i fought against both of my brothers...it was hard for me to even try and hurt either of them let alone both of them...at least i got to say my own last good bye to them. It was heart-breaking for me to watch them as i slowly walked to the both of them as i was dying. I saw their fear in their eyes as both my hands reaching out, as if i was going to take their eyes but poked their foreheads at the last second. With a smile on my face, "sorry sasuke, itachi, this is it for me..." i started saying before i whispered, "i can no longer be there to protect you both...i hope you can forgive me..." then i spoke clearly, "This is a good bye...sasuke...itachi..." i then whispered again, "at least you have each other...you don't need me anymore...I'm glad..." then i fell forward and did the same thing itachi did and died...

I wonder how their doing...i don't really know where i am...maybe I'm in limbo? Or something similar? I haven't met anyone yet...i think I'm just destined to be alone, even after death...then i felt something and i was in somewhere dark...ugh...not him...wait why so soon? Did that place i was in make it only to were i only there for a few days but many months here? Then the darkness disappeared as the lid of the coffin fell. Tch...kabuto...he still looks the same as in the anime...ugh, i guess i could try to get along since in the anime he did try and save Sasuke's life...but...that's in the anime, will he still do it?

He explained everything, so i was correct about the time...somewhat...then when did the things we did in the anime. After that i went to go stop or you know, use Izanami on kabuto...after a while i heard them..."Wait!" my brothers shout as i felt them follow me...this is happening way to quickly..."Is that you Hikaru? I told you to wait!" they shout as they use their susanoo to try and grab me. Sasuke's was purple and itachi's was red. I used mine to defect them, mine was white. "That susanoo...you definitely are Hikaru..." they said. "I'm impressed, i didn't know you had been able to master it as well itachi, Sasuke." i said. "But What are you even doing here? Your dead!" sasuke asks. "Kabuto's jutsu, i have become a reanimated shinobi. No time to talk right now, there's something important that i have to do." i said copying itachi from the anime..."So what? I don't care! Your here right in front of me right now and i have questions for you!" they both shouted at me. "Ask me later, but you probably won't listen." i said. "Your the one who told me...to come and find you once i had the same eyes as you! Now you want to run away from me! Are you running out of guilt for being a lier?! You don't have the courage to tell me the truth!" sasuke shouted. "I already know everything about you anyway. That's why we are going to destroy the hidden leaf!" they both shouted.

"I told you before when we fought against each other. We each live inside our own fantasy's..i asked you to think about it that way and about how one's reality might be an illusion...however my truth is real." i said still copying itachi..."I no longer live inside an illusion and i can see through your genjutsu! Theses eyes..are your eye's!" they shouted at me...true...i had split them up between my two brothers...i then remembered naruto's works to me that day..."i can tell that part of the both of you is still the same. But i have heard from others what's happened to the both of you. I know how much the both of you have changed." i said. "Your wrong! You are the one who changed our world long ago! We were supposed to die too..you were also supposed to have killed us along with our parents...But no..."they said as they both went quite for a while..."Now explain why us? Why? Why did you spare only us?!" they shouted and went quite again.

"Why us? What's different about us over our father or mother! Why only us?!" they shouted. "Because you didn't know anything...you had no part in the uchiha clans falling..you both were just a child...and did you both think i did it just for two? I wanted you both to grow up to judge me. I deserved to be dealt with only by another uchiha..and so i took advantage of the hatred inside of the both of you...that's why i failed...i made you both feel hatred and made you both go rogue...i turned you both into criminals...even though i only ever wanted was fir the both of you to walk the right path...back before i died..i tried to lead the both of you down the path righteousness...down a path without forks or turns...i changed the sign post on it...with lies..." i said." what and we were supposed to..happily walk that one path, ignorant of everything?!" they said, sounding hurt and sad. "I couldn't...i never could have walk that path!" sasuke yelled, speaking for the both of them. "Yes...you are completely right...you both are to decide your journey for yourselves..." i said.."no matter how you try to obscure away sign post. My eyes can strip away all of your lies.." itachi said, speaking for the both of them.

I smiled and snorted, "What's so damn funny!?" sasuke said. "Nothing, just realising that the sign post were not your only guides...properly speaking now, I'm dead..there is no point in talking any farther.." i said as i moved on a head...i was still copying itachi... "When you were alive you were always leaving, even now your running away!" sasuke yelled. "I'm not running away from the both of you..as i told you both...i have something important to do..." i said, I have to stop it...for everyone still alive sake...i now he could hear me...i have take kabuto down for now...until then, i shall hope my brothers fare well against all of this...

Finished! Yay! Got that done, though sorry that i had Hikaru copy itachi from the anime, i didn't know how to word it so i copied...well until next time...
Ja ne~!

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