Hikaru leaves for now...

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"Itachi...Sasuke...after this war is over...please bring me back from the afterlife...i know there will be a lot of deaths after it...so..i will ask you to do me this one favor and bring me back from the afterlife with the same reanimation jutsu..i will explain after it's done and all." i told them. They both shared a look and then they both nodded in agreement to use the jutsu for me. I smiled for the first time in a long while. I then used a jutsu to stop the reanimation jutsu but it will take a few minutes at least to fully stop..then I got close to them both and put their heads together and leaned forward so that half of my forehead touched sasuke's forehead and the other hald touched itachi's forehead.

"Sasuke..itachi..even if you both never forgive me and forever hate me...i will always love the both of you, no matter what, even if you decide to destroy the hidden leaf village after all this, remember that i will love you both regardless what had happened. I will watch over you both when you really need it, even though you both don't need me anymore...i will always be there to help you when the time comes...I love you both itachi...sasuke.." i said a my spirit left my body and i disappeared from the world of the living and back to where i was before the reanimation jutsu. I think it was limbo or something similar...

...It's been a while now since I've done that...i will be waiting for my brothers to use the reanimation jutsu so i can go back to the land of the living. All i have to do is wait until the war is over..which probably won't be for a while but time moves differently here, for all i know it could have already started on the war while i wait here patiently...or the war could just be starting...i don't know..where i am right now, i doubt anyone besides maybe a god could tell what the exact time or month or even year or minute..so all i have to do is wait..besides the war could be already finishing and the jutsu could be used soon...maybe...and again i still don't know...ugh..i wonder how they are doing..i can feel it..they are fighting..but who? Is this during the war? I really can't tell but i think it's during the war since i feel my brothers giving it their all. I also feel that she has been released now..

..Kaguya Ōtsutsuki..that's her name...has been released...Naruto, sasuke, itachi and a few others..i leave everything up to you to defeat her and get rid of her once and for all. Now all i have to do is wait until the war is over and for my brothers to use the reanimation jutsu..just a little longer..i just have to wait a little longer..and then I'll be coming back..just a little longer..then i can fix it..i just a little longer...that's all i have to wait...i guess i should close my eye's for now as i wait until it's all over...just for now...I'll wait...

Finished! I'm sorry that it's short but I'll continue on the next chapter...the next chapter might be my last for this story unless anyone wants me to continue? Well I'll wait until the next chapter and see any comments about me maybe continuing this..then I'll decide. Ok?

Well until next time..ja ne~!

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