Guess who's back! hikaru that's who!

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                             brothers are using that jutsu..i can feel brothers chakra and that I'm going back to the land of the living...i let myself come to where it was and opened my eye's..i already knew that a lot of people were going to die..i didn't like it even in my first life when i saw many died without being able to do much or anything with their i promised myself when the time comes in this world..i would fix it..i saw a lot of bodies..but i felt all those i know from both the anime series and in this life are still alive and all.."Itachi..Sasuke..thank you for using that jutsu to bring me i can fix things here.." i said as some people looked confused and all.

"Hikaru..why did you want to come back after the war?" my other half, my twin itachi asked me. "As i said right what was wrong.." i said. "I don't get it.." naruto said before his eye's widen with a few emotions. "EHHHH! HIKARU!? When did you get here!?" naruto shouted. "You just realized that now dobe?!" sasuke said annoyed. I looked at them with hidden amusement as they continued to argue for a few minutes..then i started my secret jutsu, no one except me knows it since i made it and all. You have to meet a certain condition to do it though...first one, have a medic near by for yourself as it is really exhausting and can kill you. Second, make sure there are people dead for this to work or it will fail and all. Third, you have to have a lot of naruto or something...

I almost died that one time bringing back my former partner to life after he saved my life...but it was worth it...though he didn't really know how he was still alive and thought he died..i just told him i was able to heal him and all..but i told them that he died and ended up with itachi's would be partner had i not taken his place. I was actually surprised it worked though...and he's still alive..but since i am dead..i wasn't able to communicate with him for a while now...oh well..then i finished the jutsu, i call it.."Bring back the dead no jutsu." yeah i know..i could have called it a better name and all but eh...i didn't really care what i called yeah it just stuck with it and all...the others looked surprised and had a little hope on their expressions.

A few seconds later and green light was seen coming from me and going to all the people who were dead. The light heals them first before it brings them back to life so they won't die again. Then a little while later and everyone that was dead and now they are alive...i also forgot to mention..any person who has the reanimation jutsu on them that has them in this world is also brought back to life...woops..i didn't really know about that until the second time i used it and brought the reanimation person back to life as well...this is my 4th time using this in my life but since i am dead, i don't have to worry about any drawbacks or anything else that my jutsu does to the person using it. And so i brought back the first four hokages and maybe some others that it's been used on and are still here and all...

So yeah...i did what i had to do and brought back those who now? After everything I've done...after saving lives and ending lives...what should i do? Should i ask my brothers or someone else? I'm so confused right now..."Hikaru...thank you.." i heard someone say but didn't bother to check who as i recognize the voice to who it belonged to...i remained silent as i gazed at nothing..."you could bring back the dead?!" someone said. "Yes but it has drawbacks...and you have to do some things for it to both work and for you to wrong move and you'll die and won't bring back that would be a wasted death...i didn't teach this jutsu that i made for a reason why not, not just anyone could do it is because they need a lot of naruto who can create thousands of clones and more.." i said..then itachi and sasuke got this look on their faces as everyone came closer to see what was happening.."does this mean you can bring yourself back to life?" sasuke asked with a hint of hope. I didn't say anything but i nodded my head. "Then will you bring yourself back to life hikaru? Please?" itachi asked me with desperation in his tone. I looked at them and then everyone else.

I could never say no to my brothers...even though i wanted to..."have a medic near by just incase if you want me to be brought back so bad.." i said and i saw happiness shining in there eye's as they brought a few medics. I then used the jutsu...the one i used before was supposed to bring everyone but the one who used the jutsu back to life...this one that I'm about to use is different from the other ones...i have never used this jutsu before...i then used it and blacked out for a few minutes..i opened my eyes to a pink blob...wait what? I look closer and see it was sasuke's teammate...i got up to see everyone with smiles on their faces...even those that had hated me before...even..the one person i failed the brothers and naruto... I failed them and yet they still have smiles on there faces..why? Why are you smiling at the person who hurt you all?

..Wait..i think i get it this what it's like to be apart of something? Friends...and's what i feel like I'm apart of...i then let out a small smile as i got hugged by my brothers..a perfect and happy ending...don't you agree?

Finished! Finally! This might be my last chapter but I'll leave it for now uncompleted someone i choose to, i can update or if someone wants another chapter or so hope you like and enjoy my chapter and hope you comment about anything really..until next time...ja ne~!

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