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Jungkook's POV

The lollipop was hanging loosely from Jungkook's parted mouth as he leaned against the three lockers on the set, tilting his head so that he looked up through his lashes, giving off the perfect Bad Boy picture everyone imagined in their heads, except they would be seeing Jeon Jungkook and not some fantasy-dream-boy. Everyone knew Jungkook was that fantasy-dream-boy because his model name was literally 'Fantasy Boy' so it made sense that he fit it perfectly and lived up to that name and physical structure. He was muscled, but not too muscled that it was displeasing to look at.

No, he was the exact opposite. His stomach held a nicely defined six pack, he had nice shoulders and arms that showed off the muscles on them whenever he moved. His legs were nice, too, long and thick but not too thick. Everything Jungkook did was perfection, everything he wore looked perfect on him, everything he said was perfect. Every. Single. Thing.

Jungkook was prefect in all ways . . . but one.

He had an addiction. No, not smoking or drinking or drugs or self harm. Not the usual, expected addiction or addictions. His addiction was pretty rare. Well, rare in Seoul, South Korea. He was the only one in all of Seoul that has the addiction of lollies. That's right, The Jeon Jungkook, hot model of Seoul's version of America's Seventeen, was addicted to lollipops. But not just any kind. It was only and had always only been the strawberry ones. He never knew why. There was just something about the sweet yet bitter taste that made his jaw feel all tingly and tense that made him want more.

There was nothing else to it. He loved rolling it all over and around his mouth, tongue assaulting it as it went. Some people who had seen his photoshoots and other various pictures or short videos of him with lollies thought it was sexual and meant to tease all of the fangirls and fanboys but, man, were they wrong! It was all for him and nobody else. He could care less if it made the fangirls scream, squeal and their ovaries to burst or if it made the fanboys clench their jaws, moan and harden at the sight.

Jeon Jungkook was a strawberry flavoured lollipop slut.

Good thing no one ever caught on, otherwise he'd be so screwed and more than likely there would be a scandal about a hot model having an addiction. It always blew up in famous peoples' faces when they were caught with addictions. After all, who wanted a hot but addicted star? Addictions were even worse in the Red Carpet life, something you could never run from. Once your beloved secret was out, there was no going back. Ever.

And that's why Jungkook never told anyone about his addiction. Not even his parents and closest friends. Why would he? There was always that small, sliver of a chance that they would tell someone and then BOOM! Jungkook's whole life would come crashing around him and he could never have that. Not when he was 21 and just now rising to fame. Sure, it was only because he had an amazing and breath taking body and a handsome face with stares that could make people faint but it was something he took pride in. Sounds a bit egotistical and he knew this but walking outside and feeling all eyes on you with the occasional flirt trying to hook up with you . . . it was a great feeling, to be wanted and lusted after.

The thing was, Jeon Jungkook was a virgin and never gave hinself to anyone. He'd stolen a kiss or two, maybe a whole make out session but never, never did it go past a blowjob or pleasuring the other person. He was a master with his tongue and there was a lucky few who knew that. He never stuck around. It was a one time thing to be with Mr. Fantasy Boy of Seoul Fashion Week.

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