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Edit: [4/17/19] this book gets better the farther you get into the chapters, I promise


SeokJin's POV

He watched in distaste as a certain Little was barreling through the hallway. Again.

"Min Yoongi! If I don't see you dressed and with your converse on in the living room in ten minutes, there will be no more milk for the rest of the day and you'll be stuck with water!"

SeokJin didn't want to be so stern, but lately Yoongi had gotten so disobedient that it was causing his caretaker so much stress. He had tried everything, everything, to get the boy out of Little Space and back into the real world but he absolutely refused and then would throw a fit.

He tapped his foot impatiently, leaning against the wall next to the door. He had already taken a shower and dressed himself in a pink sweater that fit snugly on his thin frame, ripped skinny jeans and his red Timberlands he bought online a couple days ago.

When Jiyoon had come over last week, Yoongi was nothing but sweet and obeying Jin's every order, but after she left? Chaos resulting in a punished Yoongi sitting in the corner, pouting. SeokJin thought it was just a one day thing until it got so bad that yesterday he had to put his hands on the boy.

That's right, Kim SeokJin, a kind and loving caretaker and person in general, had to spank his Little. He hated doing so but the other punishments were just not working! Even after spanking him, Yoongi was still acting up and SeokJin just couldn't even begin to guess why.

He checked his watch.

It had been fifteen minutes and Yoongi was still not out of his bedroom. Sighing, Jin made his way into the Little's bedroom, letting out an exasperated sigh the second he did.

Clothes were thrown around the room, on the floor, the bed and the desk. A guilty Yoongi sitting in the middle. As Jin took in the unfazed Little, he noticed that Yoongi was shirtless and just sitting in his boxers while playing with one of his socks.

"Yoongi! What is this? Didn't I tell you to get dressed?" SeokJin groaned and walked over to the Little, crouching down to pick him up. The moment he did, Yoongi's limbs were flailing and hitting his caretaker who simply tossed him on the bed, where he landed on his bum with a gasp. "Listen here, mister! If you continue acting up like this, I have far worse punishments. Now, tell me, why did you do this?"

"Because I wanted to." The younger mumbled, but Jin couldn't hear, telling him to say it louder. "Because I wanted to!" The Little yelled.

"Look, you are not to yell at me. Isn't that one of our rules? 'Never yell at Eomma'? We are going out and since I obviously can't trust you to be a good boy, we're using the leash."

SeokJin then dressed Yoongi in a pair of overalls, a black and white striped shirt and put his blue converse on. After slipping a snapback onto the younger's head, Jin reached into the pocket of his jeans and took out the leash. He hooked it onto his overalls and then to the belt loop of his own jeans.

"No, I don't wanna go!"

SeokJin just shook his head and picked up the squirming younger, giving him no choice but to leave.

He set down Yoongi once they were successfully out of the house and the door locked. Yoongi had his arms crossed with a frown of his face but Jin ignored this and walked down the sidewalk, an upset Little trailing after him.


Yoongi had finally stopped whining and pouting about being out, now following along silently with a few words here and there. SeokJin was quite happy about this but he was suspicious about why.

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