Ch. 12

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SeokJin's POV

"Maybe this isn't a good idea. You saw the News. He's going to be here." Jin looked out the window of the vehicle and but his lip, stomach twisting with anxiety. All of the 'what if's that his mind could come up with were bombarding his every thought like poison. He really wasn't sure it was a good idea to go clubbing tonight; too many things could happen that he didn't want to happen. "Can't we go tomorrow or something? Reschedule? Please?"

Yoongi pursed his lips and turned towards the elder in his seat, his arms behind his head rest. "Hyung, there's no need to worry. If Jungkook is going to do anything, it's going to be him thinking you're attractive. Half the club will be after you, I can guarantee. Besides, don't you want to make me happy?" The younger pouted his bottom lip and gave Jin puppy dog eyes, looking adorable even in the leather he was dressed in.

SeokJin stated at him for a few minutes, debating between his choices. He could either go home and make Yoongi be disappointed, or go into the club and suffer for a couple hours or so. He sighed and shook his head, but opened the car door, rolling his eyes when Yoongi grinned in triumph. It wasn't surprising that Yoongi got his way; Jin loved him to much to deny him what he wanted.

The car door closed with a slam! and they made their way up the stairs to the MoonLight Lounge, an excited Yoongi leading a rather reluctant SeokJin. The moment they walked through the door, the bright lights and loud music disoriented him. Yoongi was right; it had been awhile since he had been clubbing. He gripped Yoongi's hand tightly as they pushed through the crowd, his lip almost chewed to the point it bled. His eyes darted everywhere and caught a pair of dark eyes watching him. He shivered and moved faster, doing his best to keep up with Yoongi's fast pace.

The lights were multicolored and flashing all over the place, running over the crowd like spot lights. The music was so loud that he could barely hear his own thoughts, the pop music eccentric and fast paced.

Yoongi pulled him over to the bar, finding them both a seat near the end, but a rather secluded looking lounge area. Jin didn't notice the area much, too focused on making sure he was close to Yoongi, where he felt the safest. He wouldn't admit it, but Yoongi was the closest thing he had to physical protection. The younger order two scotch on the rocks. The elder careful picked the glass up and sipped it, nervously examining his surroundings.

"Hyung, you could at least look like you aren't suffering! This isn't so bad, is it?" Yoongi teased, nudging Jin with his elbow gently, causing the silk of his shirt to rub against his skin. He cracked a small smile, looking down at his drink and swishing it around. "You know what? You need to loosen up. C'mon, let's dance!"

Before he could say a word about it, Yoongi grabbed his hand tugged him onto the dance floor, sweaty bodies crowded around them on all sides. Yoongi started moving to the beat of the song, his lean body moving sensually and smoothly. Jin blushes and hugged himself, moving from side to side nervously. He knew that nobody around them really cared, but he felt self conscious.

Yoongi put his hands on Jin's waist gently, guiding his hips back and forth. The elder followed his lead, stiffly at first but gradually got the hang of it, allowing the music to drown out his worries. He'd always had a rather feminine build, minus his brows shoulders, so it wasn't much of a surprise when some people tried to dance with him. He simply shook his head and smiled, putting his hands above his head and rolling his body to the high paced beat.

He got used to it; the dancing, the loud music, the bodies around him. It consumed him and lost him in the atmosphere of the club. It definitely felt good to be out and having fun, after having worked hard and long days. It wasn't every day he had the chance to go clubbing.

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