Ch. 13

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Jungkook's POV

"Jungkook! What are you even doing? I need you to be soft and cute, c'mon! You gotta work with me!" His temporary photographer shouted at him, his anger starting to get on the model's nerves. Hoseok had gotten sick so another photographer had to be brought in and Jungkook was everything but happy. The guy clearly didn't know how to communicate and was as impatient as a toddler. He was so close to snapping that it was starting to scare the staff. Most of the people on set were shaky and afraid to make the tiniest mistake around him, even if he wasn't paying any attention to them.

It was the day after he had gone to the club and he hadn't recovered from it. Seokjin had left such an impression on him that he couldn't forget about him like everyone else which frustrated to no end. It didn't help that he had already been on set for ten hours and they still hadn't finished the shoot. No matter how 'soft' or 'cute' he acted, it still wasn't good enough for the photographer.

He tried a different pose, wrapping the blanket he had been given around his body and held the corners up to his face, smiling behind the fuzzy cloth and doing his best to appear shy, as if he were hiding behind it as he looked at the camera. He really was trying, but everything was stressing him out and he couldn't focus on the shoot. Seokjin kept appearing in his mind the moment he thought he had gotten rid of him; the way he had looked so wrecked when Jungkook had pulled away and examined his face. Not to mention the way he had tried to dominate him. Jeon Jungkook? Submit? That was unheard of. He had never once submitted to someone and he never would. He enjoyed too much having someone under his control.

"Are you even trying? And they call you Seoul's Top Model? You've got to be kidding me!" The photographer yelled again, shaking his head and scoffing. The look of disgust on the man's face reminded him so much of his father when he had forgotten to work out when he was thirteen and just couldn't take it anymore.

He threw the blanket on the ground angrily, fists clenching and jaw clenched. He stripped himself of the stupid pastel sweater they had put him in and stomped over to wardrobe where the staff nervously stood, waiting for an order. It was nothing new for Jungkook to get a little frustrated on set, but they had never seen an explosion quite like the one they were experiencing now. "Get me some real clothes. Now. If I have to wait any longer than three minutes, I'll fire every single one of you and get a new staff!" He thundered, glaring at the people around him.

They nodded and rushed off to do as he had said, frantic to not lose their jobs they so desperately needed. After all, what company would want them if they had gotten fired after serving Seoul's Top Model? Jungkook stood their impatiently, arms crossed over his bare chest and foot tapping rapidly.

A hand grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. He met eyes with the frustrated photographer, the man's brows were furrowed and lips pursed into an almost completely straight line. "What do you think you're doing? Get back up there! The shoot isn't done, Jungkook!"

The angry model shoved the man's hand off of him, utterly pissed at the man's hold actions. "It is now. By the way, you're fired." He said, practically snarling at the photographer. The man looked at him in surprise and disbelief, mouth gaping.

"You can't do that!" He spluttered, eyes wide. Jungkook glared at him and chuckled darkly, the look in his eyes malicious and scary.

"I can and I just did. Get out of my sight!" The terrible photographer bristled and glared at Jungkook before stalking away, his camera swinging around his neck. Jungkook watched him go, slightly satisfied but still pissed off. That guy had really riled him up and he felt the need to break something or someone.

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