Ch. 15

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Jungkook's POV

He slipped his phone into the pocket of his jeans with a sigh. He had just gotten off the phone with Seokjin, having agreed to meet him at Haneul's Palace. He'd never been there before, but he had passed it a few times. It looked like a nice restaurant and he was willing enough to try it. Though he wasn't sure how thrilled he was to see Seokjin again so soon after their argument. He was embarrassed and frustrated after being rejected by the elder and didn't know if he wanted to face him just yet. He didn't have much of a choice, considering he had just agreed to meet with him.

"I'm guessing that was him?" The man in the bed in front of him said with a knowing look, even though his face was pale and nose stuffy he was still just as lively and encouraging as he always was. It was surprising, how he could be so happy even when he was sick and practically bed ridden.

"He wants me to meet with him so he can apologise and talk. I just- " Jungkook ran a hand through his hair, groaning. "Ugh, I don't know what to do, Hoseok. He's so confusing and he won't stop sending me mixed signals. We talk and get along for a bit and make out, but then all of a sudden he isn't interested?" He shook his head and leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs with pursed lips. He didn't know what he was going to do about Seokjin. With the elder's quick rejection and mixed signals, he was more confused than ever. He wished things were simpler.

Hoseok nodded in understanding, before coughing up a storm. His eyes widened and he half expected for Hoseok's lungs to come out of his mouth like some crazy horror film - not that he watched horror films; they were too scary and he was a baby, too, when it came to horror related things. Nobody else knew that and he'd prefer to keep his masculine image up. The door slowly opened and a chubby faced and orange haired male poked his head in, looking rather concerned with his eyebrows pulled up and together so much.

"Are you okay, hyung? D'you need anything?" Hoseok's trainee definitely was either a suck up or actually cared about his mentor. Jungkook wasn't sure which one, but both were probable and made sense. Who wouldn't want to put a good impression on their mentor? It's not a good idea to be on their bad side, that's for sure.

"I'm fine, Jimin-ah. Thanks." Hoseok assured him with a quick nod before sneezing into the tissue in his hand. Jungkook cringed away from Hoseok, with a slightly disgusted and wary expression. He didn't want to get sick, especially with his upcoming Red Carpet event.

Jungkook stood up and grabbed his jacket, pulling his jean jacket on and adjusting the collar. He didn't want to be late to meet with Seokjin, even if he wasn't overly ecstatic about it. It was torture, really, but he'd hear the elder out. "I should be going, Hoseok. I'll let you know how it goes. And you- " Jungkook turned to face Jimin, who still had his head poked in the room. " -keep me updated on him. If anything happens, let me know."

With Jimin's quick nod and Hoseok's goodbye, he left the elder's apartment with his hands in his pockets. Luckily, Hoseok lived on the second floor and he only had one flight of stairs to go down. Don't get him wrong, he doesn't mind going down stairs; they were great and all, but a little bit of nuisance. He unlocked his car and slipped into the driver's seat easily, closing the door behind him and putting the keys in the ignition. The car roared to life and he backed out of the park lot, making his way downtown to Haneul's Palace. The name wasn't very original, but it sounded like a decent enough restaurant.

He rolled his eyes as he saw several groups of people stop and frantically wave from the sidewalk as his car drove past, some even trying to run along side with it. Obviously, they failed to be able to keep up with the vehicle. He waved and smirked at them, enjoying the attention a little too much. Jungkook shrugged it off and opened the glove box, pulling out a lollipop from the container he kept in there. He pulled the wrapper off with his teeth and spit it into the seat beside him, eagerly sucking on the lollipop as soon as it touched his tongue. He practically moaned as the strawberry flavour filled his mouth and sent his taste buds tingling. He wasn't sure if it was possible to get turned on by food, but if it was, strawberry lollipops were definitely his thing.

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