Ch. 17

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If there's any mistakes, it's because this chapter was rushed. Oof.
Would you guys like some smut in the chapters to come? Comment who you'd like to read about *wink wink*

Do any of you listen to BlackPink? I was thinking about writing a BP ff if you guys were interested. Or maybe a oneshot book? Comment which one you'd like (or both).


Seokjin's POV

It had been three days since he and Jungkook had gotten together. He had been staying at the younger's apartment the past few nights and they spent whatever time they had together. Their jobs made it difficult to see each other very much, but Jungkook had stopped by his work to see him during his lunch break. Luckily, Taehyung hadn't been there. Taehyung was still under the impression he was single and after Jungkook had told him what Taehyung had said about getting a date with him, he didn't want to tell him. He knew the younger was going to be upset, maybe even angry. They had a pretty good relationship and he didn't want to ruin that.

Of course, he had let Yoongi know beforehand that he was going to be staying at Jungkook's place. He hadn't given the man a time period of how long he was going to be gone or when he was going to come home, but he was sure Yoongi wouldn't be too bothered by it. He had always been antisocial and often was in his bedroom quite a lot, so he wasn't too worried about Yoongi being left alone. Besides, he had told Yoongi to call if he needed anything and Yoongi hadn't called, so he assumed everything was fine.

He came home with a headache at around eleven o'clock after staying with Jungkook for three days. It had been dark outside for a good few hours and to put it simply, it was fucking freezing outside which only worsened his hate for Fall and Winter. What he hadn't been expecting was for the house to be just as cold as it was outside. He didn't bother taking off his coat and left his shoes on. Assuming Yoongi had turned off the heat and forgot to turn it back on, he went over to the thermostat and just as he had thought, it was turned off. He quickly turned it on and the heater started up immediately, the familiar hum putting a smile on his face. The house would warm up in no time.

He made his way down the hall to his bedroom to change out of his work uniform. Even though he was the cook, he was still required to wear a white dress shirt and a tie, which he put an apron over while he worked. After he changed into a thick black sweater and a pair of sweatpants, he went to the kitchen to find something to eat. Though he usually ate at work, he didn't feel like staying any longer than he absolutely had to. Fortunately, there was some fruit in the bottom drawer of the fridge. As he turned around with an apple in his hand, he spotted Yoongi walking into the kitchen.

"Oh. I figured you would be asleep." He said, leaning against the counter as the younger got a glass of water and say down at the kitchen island. "Why're you awake?"

"Couldn't sleep," Yoongi shrugged and tilted his head back as he chugged down his water, eyes briefly closing. He spotted the dark circles around his eyes and his they were unusually puffy.

"Are you- "

Yoongi slammed his glass down and glared at the elder, getting up from his seat, hand still on his glass. He jumped in surprise and nearly dropped his apple at Yoongi's abrupt mood change. "You've been gone three fucking days, Seokjin. I haven't slept for three fucking days and you just waltz in here late at night acting like you haven't seen me for seventy-two hours and expect me to just be okay with it? That's bullshit and you know it." He pointed his finger in the elder's direction, voice raised rather loudly.

Guilt twisted in his stomach and he sighed, staring down at the apple in his hand. He had lost his appetite. He set the fruit on the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. "You could've called me. You know I would've come home- "

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