Chapter Five: All Hung Up

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"So your ex, huh?" Jake chuckled to cover up how he was withering away inside. "Haven't seen him in a while, how was that?"

Lucy slid a knowing smile his way. Jake was pretty hard to resist, bouncing baby George. Jake was so amazing with kids.

"It was...okay. I think after all this time we can finally just be civil towards each other."

"Oh yeah? Is that what that was? You civilly throwing yourself into his arms?"

"Jacob." Lucy admonished in surprise. "Don't be ridiculous!"

Properly chastised by the woman of his dreams, Jake dropped his gaze to the baby and went back to making faces to entertain little George.

Lucy sighed as she fed baby Olivia and watched Jake surreptitiously at the same time. But her mind was elsewhere.

She kept hearing what Sean had whispered into her ear, ringing over and over again in her head, "I've missed you so much, Lucy."


His masculine musk filled her senses, his heavy warmth filled her core.

Lucy felt him all around her, his strong arms holding her, his fingers interlocking through hers to pin down her hands as he rode her; steadily, firmly, mercilessly. He sank his teeth into the tender flesh of her neck, marking her as he took her.

"I've missed you so much, Lucy." He whispered huskily into her ear.

"Sean, Sean, I need you. Oh, Sean, oh my God, I love you!"

Lucy jolted upright out of her guilty, steamy little dream.

She gasped for breath then fell to panting as she looked dazedly around her bedroom. She had taken a nap once all the children had been picked up by their respective parents and it was now full dusk, she realized with a start.

She didn't have much time left to get ready for her non-date with Jake.

Groaning, Lucy pushed herself out of bed, embarrassingly damp in a certain southern region.


"Alright, alright, so maybe I still have the hots for Sean, so sue me!" Lucy muttered to herself in the shower. "He's my ex; I can be hung up on him if I want."

Lucy closed her eyes and groaned as she heard herself. She rested her forehead against the tile wall and simply let the scalding hot water beat down upon her.

Sean's words played through her mind once more, "I've missed you so much, Lucy."

So seductive, so sweet and cruel, and wildly unfair.

That was Sean Kallaghan.


The art of dressing up while trying to look like you weren't dressing up.

Lucy was no fashionista, but with Amanda's help, she was able to put together an outfit that she thought did the trick. Simple hip-hugger jeans, a tight white T-shirt, and her cropped, denim dress jacket.

Lucy curled the ends of her mid-length blonde hair and did a light dusting of shimmery powder on her eyelids, some mascara, some sweat pea lip gloss, finished with a spritz of White Rain.

She finished the entire look with a pair of high heeled cowboy boots and pronounced herself ready to go.

~ ~ ~

And you thought you were hung up on YOUR ex!

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