Chapter Thirty-Four: Making Up

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Lucy left with Sean soon after that and no one tried to stop them. She had come in her family's vehicle so there was nothing to keep her from leaving in Sean's truck. He took her back to his motel room there in town.

They had a lot to sort out between them and she doubted any of it was going to be solved in a night.


For a while, they simply sat and gazed at each other.

Sean sat in an armchair while she sat upon the end of the bed.

Sean was the one to speak first, rightly so. He drew a deep breath. "I'm truly sorry, Lucille. Do you think you can ever forgive me?"

Lucy lifted her eyes from her jean-clad thighs where she was resting her hands. She met his gaze unwaveringly. "Sorry? For what?" She asked in an odd little voice that made him slightly nervous.

He cleared his throat. "For...everything. For the way I acted, the things I said, for not being here for you when you really needed me."

Her eyebrows started to pinch together. "I'm not-I don't-"

He silenced her by reaching out and touching a finger lightly to her lips. "Please, let me just get this out and then I promise you can decide what happens next and I'll honor your decision, whatever it is."

Sean drew another deep breath and to her surprise, he took both her hands gently in his to hold. He caressed his calloused thumbs over the smooth backs of her hands. "Lucy, you're my best friend. You've been my best friend since we were in school together, I just didn't realize it at the time. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get it.

"I'm not gonna lie to you, Lucille, kids still scare me, but in case you haven't noticed, I've grown up in these last few years. I'm a big boy now and I'm prepared to accept the consequences of my own reckless actions. I love you and I will always love you and I'll be damned if I don't stand by you and our child now.

"If you still want me, that is."

Lucy realized she was holding her breath as she stared into his eyes and she slowly released it. Could she really trust what she was hearing from him? Because it sounded much too good to be true.

She needed a moment and some air, so she pulled her hands free of his, even though she could see that it hurt him. She stood up and walked away from him, going to the window to gaze out.

"I don't understand, though. Why this sudden change? First you needed space, now-" She turned back around to face him to find him already standing right behind her.

He lightly cupped her elbows. "I don't need space anymore. I'm sorry for hurting you, that was stupid, but I just needed to wrap my head around everything.

"It hit me while I was working. I was out in the field, on a routine drug raid, when a civilian accidentally got shot and killed by the escaped perpetrator. Her husband was just devastated and watching him...I realized I never wanted that to be me. And more importantly," and here he cupped her face, "I never wanna waste another moment of loving you."

Her eyes filled with sweet, sweet tears of relief.

"Please?" He whispered, lowering his head to rest his forehead against hers. "Please just say you'll let me stay?"

She closed her eyes and gave him the barest of little nods.

He smiled and captured her lips in a kiss.

~  ~  ~

Yay they finally made up! And way to man up, Sean, I might add! LOL

Hope these chapters perk up your mid-week blues! And thanks, as always, for readin', ya'll!

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