Chapter Forty-Four: Cowgirl Bride

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Lucy and Sean finally set a date for their wedding; June 16th. It was going to be the perfect day, but for now, Lucy had to throw herself into wedding plan madness. Not an easy task while juggling a high maintenance toddler and two twins.

But with the help of all her ladies, Lucy was able to perform a miracle in three months, and they had their wedding.


The ceremony was beautiful and Travy was in fact the ring bearer.

Lucy wasn't too proud to pick a Maid of Honor from her sisters and she chose Amanda. Cassandra and Heather stood up with her, as well, holding the twins. The family photos were going to be beyond adorable, Lucy was sure.

The reception was held in a white tent outside, decorated with roses, of course, all different color roses; from yellow, which had been Sunday's favorite, and white, which had been Rose's favorite, and also light pink, which were Lucy's.

The bridesmaids all wore pale pink chiffon dresses which Lucy didn't think were that hideous, but the other ladies seemed to disagree for some reason.

The gown itself was everything Lucy could have ever hoped it would be.

All three sisters had decided to take their mother's dress apart so that they could all wear a piece of it. Amanda's had had the lace sleeves and Cassandra had worn the veil and also some lace trimming along the bodice.

Lucy had an entire waist-piece made of some of the lace from Sunday's gown, and some of the pearls decorated her big princess-style ball gown now.

It was snowy white and had little drooping bell sleeves that exposed her shoulders. She wore her hair like she usually did, but pushed back. She wore her mother's pearls around her throat and a blue ribbon around her wrist that had belonged to Rose.

She and Paula had been the ones to design the dress together; Lucy had needed Paula's sharp eye for fashion, and Paula had bought Lucy a pair of blue designer heels that were covered in white lace.

Sean had never seen a more ethereal vision as when his new bride came walking slowly down the aisle to him on her father's arm.

It was the same feeling he had of overwhelming happiness that he had felt when he'd first held his baby daughter in his hands.

A sudden understanding came over him, nearly taking him to his knees. It compressed his chest, it shook him down to his core, and it knocked the air out of him all at the same time.

She was his world now.

She was his everything.

Sean was still just as terrified as ever, but he was standing strong. He was proud of himself for finally growing up and realizing the truth; that he and Lucy belonged together, through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, to love and to hold, to cherish and protect, forever and ever, even past the day that death took them.

They both said "I do" and Lucy wept happy tears as her husband kissed her for the very first time.


As much as Lucy wanted to stay close to her new husband the whole night, they both did a lot of mingling with their friends and family members. Sean had a lot of friends and mentors that were like family to him, as well as an aunt and some cousins.

His old uncle, Eli, who had raised him like his own son, was also in attendance. The weathered old cowboy even danced with Lucy and some of the other ladies, waving his cane about suddenly as if he didn't in fact need it at all.

And he wasn't the only one.

"Why, Aunt Martha, you're looking rather spry." Lucy commented teasingly as she came across a rather drunken Aunt Martha doing s rousing Irish jig.

Martha had the decency to blush. "I may have milked that injury a bit." She confessed in a loud stage whisper.

Lucy raised her eyebrows and nodded indulgently. "Did you now?"

"Yes, well, truth be told, I just liked how Harrison has been paying me extra care and attention since the "accident"."

Lucy's eyes widened even more.

"And let me tell ya, the sex has never been better!"

Lucy blanched and Martha positively howled with laughter, then went in search of Harrison.

Lucy sighed, turning around to find a drunken Paula waiting to talk to her next.

"Well, I'd give you some motherly advice about the honeymoon, but since you've, you know, had babies already, that boat has clearly already sailed!" Paula hiccuped and Lucy threw her head back and laughed merrily.

"Oh, Paula, I love you."

"I love you, too, honey!" Paula cried and the two women embraced.

Across the tent, Guy and Sean both smiled to see their women happy.

~ ~ ~

So cute! I can see it all now! LOL

Thanks for reading this far, last chapter to come next! Eek! Standby!

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And, as always, happy reading, ya'll!


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