20 Questions

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I woke up with the biggest smile on my face. Why? Because I didn't have a night terror last night. I haven't had one since the night Cooper and I got back together. I know, cliche, but it's true. He makes me feel so safe and secure, that I guess stuck in my head and made my dreams go away. Now my dreams consist of Cooper and I's future, the best dreams I've ever had. 

My smile faded when I realized I had to go to work. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and am very thankful for it, but I have worked everyday and been on call every night. So I've barely seen Cooper this week. But today is Friday, so I am not on call! Anyways, I get out of bed and hop in the shower. 

I look at myself in the mirror and smooth out my black scrubs and move my hair to the correct place I like it to be. It was still wet, but it was going in a pony no matter what, so I didn't care what it looked like. I looked at my phone to see if I had any messages, none. Strange, Cooper usually sends me a good morning text. I shrug it off, maybe he's sleeping in. 

When I get to the clinic I already see it is going to be a busy day ahead of me. I took off my light coat and put it on the coat rack and then go to my desk. I clock in and then log in on my computer to see my schedule and sigh to see I literally have no times for breaks. 

It's not even noon yet, and I am already having a shitty day. My first call was to a farm to help calf and the birthing went smooth, but the mother stepped on my foot twice. If haven't been stomped on by a cow before, you have no clue about the pain if you've never felt it. So now I am walking with a limp. 

Then my next appointment was a yearly check up with a cat. And what a surprise, the cat scratched my right wrist and caused me to bleed. I hated cats ever since I was a little kid. And when cats do this, it makes me dislike them even more. 

Then I had to go to another farm and give a llama some arthritis shots in the joints of its knee. The injection part when smoothly, the old llama didn't really care. But when I was checking its teeth, he spit on me. I mean all over my face, it was lovely.  

I should of called in sick today.  

Slamming the door of my pickup, I grab a new scrub shirt from the back and walk back in the clinic to see a full waiting room. And I notice cat carriers. Just freaking great. I quickly get changed into my shirt, because now I only had a 15 minuet lunch. 

Grabbing my lunch from my fridge, I sit down at my desk and try to finish reports and eat at the same time. I try not to eat that fast so my stomach will get upset and then I throw up during a surgery. "Dr. Jones, I have a concern about my baby." An unfamiliar voice says behind me. 

I close my eyes, trying to be patient. Patients always think they can come back here and question the medicine we give their "babies". But as I turn in my chair to talk to the patient, I realize the patient is Cooper. 

My frown turns into a smile, and it turns into a bigger one once I realize he's holding flowers. How sweet! "What are the flowers for?" I say as I limp over to him and kiss his cheek and grab the beautiful wild flowers. 

"Why are you limping?" He ignores my question. 

"A cow stomped on me." I said and then he makes an 'o' shape with his mouth, because he knows how much that hurts. "So?"

"We're having a date tonight." He smiles proudly as he follows me to my desk. 

"We are?" I ask him as I replace my old flowers with my new ones. 

"Yes ma'am, at 7 o'clock in our special spot." He winks at me, making me blush. Our "special spot" was the one in the sage grass where we went to get away from everyone, and occasionally make out.  "And where something pretty." He says suspiciously. 

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