Chapter 6

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The entire lunchroom was now watching, as Lucas Hunter walked up to his...whatever she was, turning her attention away from thinking of ways to torture me.

"What?" Rebecca asked, narrowing her eyes and crossing her arms, turning away from me.

"I told you, you should believe Princess. Because she's telling the truth." Lucas said.

I rolled my eyes, annoyed ad the nickname, however, Rebecca saw it as something else.

"'Princess'? What the Hell are you calling her that for? Are you sleeping with her?" Rebecca yelled, making sure that the whole cafeteria heard.

"No. And even if I was, that is none of your concern. I don't answer to you and I don't have to. We are not dating. And we will not ever date. I've told you this before. You leave her alone. She didn't do anything wrong. I don't give a damn about how 'pissed' you are. She's my sister's babysitter. And that's all she ever will be." Lucas said, looking her in the eyes.

Rebecca looked like her head was going to pop off, "Whatever. Just keep her out of my way." She said before storming out of the cafeteria, her groupies following her.

I silently sighed in relief to myself as I pulled my chair back up to the table. I wanted to run, I wanted to go and hide away, never to come back. But that's what the old, scared Ariel would have done. And I was not going to become her again.

So I tried to act like the events that unfolded hadn't affected me. Until Lucas spoke again from behind me, "So, did you do this to intentionally try and make everyone jealous, princess?"

I rolled my eyes, practically feeling the smirk from where I sat before turning around to face him, "You wish." I bit back.

"No, no I get it. You thought that if you dropped my name, and the fact that you've been to my house and met my parents, everyone would worship you. I get it, really. If you want my attention, all you have to do is ask." He said with a wicked smirk.

I made a disgusted face, "And why would I want to be anywhere near you more than necessary, let alone speak to you? Which reminds me, why are you still here?" I questioned, crossing my arms.

He sat down in a chair next to me, making Maya's eyes pop out of her head and the entire cafeteria buzz with chatter again.

"Because. I know it pisses you off. And nothing makes me happier than to see the princess angry." He said with a smirk, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

I groaned and threw his arm off my shoulder, standing up with my tray, "Excuse me. I've lost my appetite." I said, sending a glare towards Lucas who only smirked in response, before walking out of the cafeteria.

I went to my locker and collected my things for the next class. For the rest of the day, and the rest of the week, I had to endure the whispers floating around about me. It wasn't someting that was new to me, obviously in middle school I had dealt with it on the daily. However, they were worse this time around.

Slut. Whore. Boyfriend-stealing bitch. I was okay. Miles and Maya were there to defend me. Even some of the other football guys like David, Aaron, and Tyler would send glares to those whose eyes lingered on me for too long.

They didn't really know what had happened to me in middle school, before Ireland. I hadn't told anyone the reason why I left. The only people that knew were the people who were at school with us in middle school, which was only half of the grade.

Since our town is so big, there are two elementary and middle schools for the town. One on one side, the second on the other. In high school, the students combine into one, huge class, for the entire town. So, all of my friends had gone to the other school. They had no idea what had happened to me.

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