Chapter 19

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His words didn't come as much of a surprise, as I had suspected who she was when I saw her at first. I did a good job of keeping my emotions in check as I smiled at Katie.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you." I said.

She smiled back, "You too. How do you know Lucas?" She asked.

I felt surprised as to why she was asking how I knew Lucas considering I had never met her before I had left a week and a half ago. But I answered politely nonetheless, "We're...friends. I babysit his little sister."

"Oh! You're Claire's baby sitter." She said.

I was quiet for a second, "...Clara." I corrected.

Katie laughed light-heartedly, "Clara right! Sorry. I haven't actually met her yet. But I've heard a lot about her." she said.

I smiled, "So...when did you" I asked, unsure of what exactly to ask.

She spoke before Lucas could answer and I found myself smirking slightly at his discomfort, well we met last Friday, and this is only our third date. But it's moved pretty fast." She said, wrapping her arms around his waist possessively.

I just smiled and nodded, looking Lucas in the eye to see that he looked pained about something. But I quickly broke eye contact before speaking again, "Well, It was nice to meet you, but you guys are on a date so we'll get out of your way. Sorry for interrupting." I said, beginning to turn away.

"You guys can join us if you want." Lucas spoke up.

I was too busy looking at Lucas to catch the death glare Katie sent his way that Maya would later tell me all about, "No, we couldn't do that. I know how much I hate surprises." I said rather harshly, intended to be a dig at Lucas that he seemed to flinch at.

I turned and walked away from the frozen yogurt shop, Tyler, Miles, Maya, and everyone else following.

Once we'd stopped at the food court Maya came up to me, "Are you okay?" She asked me quietly, once we were a distance from the guys, who were doing stupid stuff for the camera Cole had out (he never put it down).

I nodded, "Fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"Ariel. I know how you feel about Lucas. I know this was a surprise. It was for us too." She said.

"It's not that I'm upset he has a girlfriend," I lied, "I'm just surprised. Lucas is not the 'girlfriend' type. Where did she come from? I've never seen her before." I asked as Cole and Tyler came over to sit down while Brian and the others went to buy food.

"It looks like she moved here just before you left," Cole said as he sat back, "she showed up to school and found fast friends with Rebecca."

I rolled my eyes at the name as Tyler spoke up again, "She met Lucas quickly and practically fell down at his feet, willing to do anything to get into his pants. And here we are." He said.

"She seemed...interesting." I said, choosing my words carefully.

"She's a bitch." Alex said, walking up and sitting down.

I smiled and shook my head, "Let's give her a chance. She's only been around for a week." I said.

"Well, I can't wait to say I told you so to everyone." Alex said as he crossed his arms gruffly, making me burst into giggles.


On Monday at school, my day started by Brianna Marchant, one of the nice popular girls, who ambushed me at my locker.

"What the Hell happened with you and Lucas?" She asked me as soon as I'd shut my locker.

"I'm not really sure what you mean by this. Could you clarify please?" I asked.

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