Chapter 20

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The rest of the week at school went smoothly with no issues for once. However, when the following Friday struck was when the shit hit the fan . No, seriously, my entire life should be made into a movie because, shits crazy. 

I walked into the hallway alone, and practically at a run because I was late. In fact, I was so late that I didn't notice the stares and whispers that followed me down the hall (as if that was anything new). 

I was met by Brianna at my locker, who almost knocked me over, "Ariel! What the Hell happened?" she asked me, breathless.

"Um, I overslept and then there was an accident on Main Street so it took longer to get here-" she cut me off.

"No not that. I mean with you and Lucas. Katie is not happy." She said, her eyes wide.

I furrowed my brow, "What do you mean? Nothing happened between me and Lucas in the last two weeks. I'm so confused." I replied.

She gave me a look and reached into her back pocket to pull out her phone. I waited a second to see her pull up pictures on twitter and show me two pictures side-by-side. It was of me and Lucas on the ground at the park a week earlier. 

One was of me laying on top of him, both of us smiling, and the second was of me sitting up, looking into the distance, most-likely at Clara, while Lucas looked at me, a smile on his face.

The caption of the tweet said 'The way he looks at her is the way I want my future husband to look at me'. The tweet had over 100 thousand retweets, "You two are viral." Brianna said as my heart dropped into my stomach.

"Who...who took these." I asked quietly.

Brianna shook her head, "No one knows. The original tweet wasn't by anyone who goes here. It was tweeted by some girl who lives like two towns over. Ariel, I don't care what's happening between you and Lucas. The way I see it, you two belong together. But, Katie is mad. She thinks Lucas is cheating on her." she said.

"And she has every right to be mad. I would be if I were in her position. I need to talk to her." I said before closing my locker and heading out to English class, knowing Katie would be there. 

I caught her just as she was about to walk into the classroom. She was alone, and she did not look happy. 

"Katie, look I know I'm probably the last person you want to see or talk to right now. But please let me give you an explanation." I said, catching her by the arm. 

She looked reluctant but sighed and stepped out of the doorway, "Okay." She said. She sounded tired.

"I am so sorry. I don't know who took that picture or posted it, but it was completely out of context. What happened before the picture was Lucas being an asshole. But, that doesn't excuse it. I understand if you hate me, and I understand if you don't want to talk to me. But don't take this out on Lucas. He doesn't feel anything for me. You don't have to worry." I said, even though it hurt.

She thought for a second before nodding, "Okay. I believe you. Thank you for telling me. I appreciate that. And, I don't hate you." She said with a small smile before walking into the classroom.

I felt my back hit the wall as I breathed a sigh of relief. I closed my eyes and let myself enjoy the quiet for one second while I prepared myself to walk into the classroom that held the guy I was in love with, his girlfriend and an entire class full of clueless teenagers. 

As I suspected, when I walked in, all eyes turned to me and the noises died down. I kept my eyes trained towards the empty seat in the back row, between Tyler and the wall. I refused to look at Lucas, even though I knew he was looking at me.

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