Chapter 37

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"Ariel Montgomery. Do you have anything you'd like to say to us?" Maya asked, walking up to me at my locker, Cole, Tyler, Danny, and Brianna following behind her. I could see the others further down the hall, dragging Lucas behind them towards us.

"Um, good morning?" I asked. Of course, I knew what they were talking about but I decided to play dumb.

Cole rolled his eyes, "Oh Jesus fuck," he sighed, shaking his head as Lucas was pushed up against the locker and nine pairs of eyes stared us down.

"Spill." Miles said, crossing his arms.

"Spill what?" Lucas asked.

"Oh stop playing dumb both of you. The rumor is all over school." Tyler said.

"What rumor?" I asked, deciding to keep playing dumb for the Hell of it.

"Oh for fuck's sake are you two fucking?" Briana asked, not having any of it.

I could feel the smirk on both of our faces', "Well that's very blunt of you to ask." Lucas asked.

"Well. Normally we wouldn't believe a word that came out of people's mouths. However, Tate, you remember him? My cousin? You know Ariel, the one you slept with? He saw you two on a date last weekend. And I don't know why he'd make that shit up so answer our question." Tyler said, crossing his arms and staring us down.

I looked at Lucas who gave me a look that clearly said 'tell them' so I sighed and turned to look at them, "Yes. We're dating." I said.

Someone would have thought we'd told them the best news on the planet  from their reactions. There was yelling, cheering, high fives, hugs, the whole thing. Lucas and I just looked at each other, extremely confused. 

"Well it's about fucking time," Maya exclaimed, "it only took an entire fucking year."

"How long?" Cole asked.

"Just over a month." Lucas replied.

They all stared, "You guys were able to keep it a secret for a month?" Tyler asked.

We just nodded slowly and silently, "Well, I would be mad but right now I'm just impressed that you two were able to hide it for so long so I'm over it." Alex spoke up and we all laughed. 

We left it at that and Lucas and I were officially public. 

The next few months flew by. Which was strange since seniors had to deal with college applications which were extremely stressful.

I hated lying to my friends. I couldn't tell them that I was in the interview process with Northeastern University, Boston University, UCLA, and NYU for a full scholarship. Because I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up. Not even my own. It was a little easier to lie since we all agreed we wouldn't tell anyone which schools we were applying to because we didn't want anyone to influence their decision based off of where we wanted to go.

I had finished my first round of interviews and made it through the first round of cuts for all four of the schools. It was insane. 

"Alright Ariel. First off,  congratulations. This has never happened to anyone at Baker Hill before now, all four schools are doing the same second round interview process, and it actually isn't an interview at all," Mrs. Green, my guidance counselor told me as we sat in her office.

"What is it?" I asked curiously. 

"It's an essay. About you. All you have to do is tell them why you stand out from the other candidates. Whether that be experiences you've had, how you've grown up, anything. Just tell them about you. I'm going to email you the prompt, and you can just upload the document and press submit and it will send it to all four schools. You have two weeks to do it, and once the two weeks is up, you'll get a decision from all four schools within two more weeks." She said.

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