Chapter 12

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It took two more dates before Jake asked me to be his girlfriend officially. We were leaving the movies, laughing about how bad it was when he grabbed my hand, "Hey Ariel." He said.

I looked at him, "I've had so much fun with you this last week." he said.

I smiled, "I have too."

"So, would you officially be my girlfriend?" He asked.

I smiled widely and pulled him to me, pressing my lips against his. I pulled away after a few seconds and looked at him, "Absolutely." I said.

He smiled and kissed me again.


The next day he kissed me when I got out of my car and we walked into school holding hands. People saw us walk by and immediately started whispering to the person they were standing with.

We went to my locker since it ws the closest. After a few seconds, Maya, Miles, Cole, Alex and Tyler came up, "What the Hell Ariel?" Cole asked.

"What?" I asked as I pulled out my history textbook.

"You went on three dates with "Hollywood Dream Boat" and became his girlfriend, and didn't think to tell us?" Tyler exclaimed, pointing to Jake who just smirked.

"Not to mention you let Maya know but not us?" Miles pointed out.

I rolled my eyes, "Calm down. You know now. Isn't that enough?" I asked as I closed my locker and leaned agaisnt it.

"No! We had to find out at the same time as the rest of the school. The whole point of being friends with someone is to know things about them before everyone else!" Cole exclaimed.

"Well, I would love to stay and watch this whole...whatever it is unfold, but I need to get to my locker," Jake spoke up. He turned to me, "I'll see you in English." He said, kissing me on the lips before walking away.

"I'll never forgive you for this." Cole said to me, sticking his nose up in the air.

I rolled my eyes, "You're just jealous because you couldn't get it on camera." I said.

He thought for a second before bowing his head, "You're right..." he said quietly, trailing off.

By the time lunch rolled around I had figured everyone in the friend group ha found out about Jake and I. Apparently, I was oh so very wrong.

I was sitting at the lunch table with the others, Jake as our new addition who was next to me. A few minutes in, Lucas arrived and sat at the table across from me. He narrowed his eyes atJake, "Who are you and why are you sitting here?" He asked Jake.

"Uhh, I'm Jake." He said after a few seconds of awkward silence.

"Okay, and why are you sitting at our table?" Lucas questioned again. I noticed Cole filming out of the corner of my eye.

I rolled my eyes and spoke before Jake could, "He's sitting with me. Stop interrogating him." I said.

Lucas narrowed his eyes at me, "I've never seen you talk to this dude before. Why are you two suddenly sitting next to each other at lunch?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes again, "Jesus Christ why are you asking so many questions? He's sitting here because I asked him to, because he's my boyfriend." I said.

Lucas' head shot up at my last sentence, "Since when do you have a boyfriend princess?" He asked.

"Since none of your business," I shot back, "now, are you done interrogating?" I asked.

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