Chapter 14

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While the hospital trip had went better than anticipated, the idea of having to confront Jake was something that I was greatly dreading.

In the time we had been together there were times where he would get into certain moods, where he would get angry and stay angry until we would make up and all would be well again. He never liked it when I talked about other guys, hung out with them, or did anything regarding them.

He always boiled it down to the fact that he got jealous because I was "so beautiful" and they would try to "steal me from him". In hindsight, I should have ran the first time it happened. But at the time I would boil it down to a kind of endearing quality and brushed it off.

But, that day, that day was when I realized I should have ran sooner.


I was sitting on the Hunter's living room couch on a Saturday night with Lucas, waiting for Tessa and Jason to get home. Lucas and I were watching 'That 70's Show', our newest television binge selection when I spoke up.

"I think I'm going to break up with Jake tomorrow." I blurted.

I looked over at Lucas and saw his face remain emotionless, except for a single, quirked eyebrow, "Really?" He asked, his eyes not leaving the TV.

"I think it's time." I said simply.

"Can I ask you why?" He questioned me.

I sighed, "Since we got together, he's been super territorial over me. It's gotten worse lately. He doesn't want me going anywhere there might be guys without him, if I don't want to do something he does, he gets in a mood, and I'm kind of sick of the constant interrogations and moods." I said.

Lucas was quiet and gave a simple nod, "Sounds legit. When are you doing it?" He asked.

"We're having lunch tomorrow. I'm going to tell him there." I said.

"Where are you having lunch?" He asked.

"Just at Panera. He's probably not going to want to stay much longer after I break the news to him so...Panera it is." I said.

"Do you want someone there for...after you break the news?" He asked.

I was quiet, "Um, no. I think this is something that I need to do myself. But thank you." I said, looking at him.

He just nodded, "Alright then. Good luck." Was all he said before leaving it at that.


I was sitting at a table when Jake walked in. His eyes landed on me and he walked over, his face emotionless. He was still angry from Friday.

He sat down and crossed his arms, "What do you want to talk about?" He asked, emotionless.

I sighed, "Us." I answered.

He didn't say anything as I began to speak again, "Jake, you are a great guy. And I've been happy in our time together. But, I think it's time we go our separate ways." I said, looking him in the eye.

To say he looked surprised would be an understatement, "Are you...are you breaking up with me?" He spluttered.

I stayed calm, "Yes. But I want you to understand that I have no hard feelings whatsoever and-"

He cut me off, "Is this because of Hunter? Are you cheating on me with him?" Jake accused me, his voice low and deadly.

I looked at him, dumbfounded, "No. I am not. Lucas has nothing to do with this decision." I said.

"Then why are you breaking up with me? What made you oh-so-suddenly make you want to end things?" Jake asked, his voice getting a little higher.

I looked around us, noting that a couple of people were glancing over, "Why don't we go somewhere private?" I asked.

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