Chapter 7

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The next two months were pretty uneventful. I went to school , ignored the whispers behind my back which, died down as time went on. People stopped seeming to care all that much. I would watch Clara on the weekends, Lucas rarely making an appearance.

In school, Lucas had inserted himself into my friend group, much to the dismay of the friends, as well as migrating a few of his other friends into the group, Cole, Bryan, and Alex. Maya and I were still the only girls and were suffering everyday for it.

Everyone had been pretty surprised when Lucas started sitting at our lunch table. Many thought we were together but quickly stopped thinking so when we would start to argue about every, little, thing. It was bad. But for some reason, we were still "friends".

Whenever he was actually at the house when I was watching Clara, he would sit and watch Clara and I quietly, saying nothing. On Friday nights, once Clara was in bed, Lucas would watch TV with me. We had started watching 'The Office' together and were almost finished, starting to look for a new show to watch once we finished.

Rebecca and Dylan had both been radio silent. Apparently, they had started dating since Rebecca had given up on Lucas. But they stayed out of my way so I didn't really give a damn what they did.

It was a week before winter break when I got the text message from Tessa; Hey Ariel! So, Jason and I are going to a conference a couple of days after Christmas and won't be back until New Year's. I talked to your parents and they're okay with you staying at the house with Clara for the week if that's okay with you?

I smiled to myself as I typed back a response, Definitely! I'd love to!

She typed back very fast; Perfect! I will make sure Lucas watches Clara for a couple of days so you can enjoy your break with your friends, I'll see you Friday night!

Finally, something to get me through the rest of the week, which it did. On Friday, at lunch, Lucas sat down in his usual spot next to me and looked over.

"So, I hear you're spending the week at my house, princess." He said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, Tessa texted me on Monday. I'm heading over tonight." I supplied.

"So I have to see you everyday for an entire week? Just when I was excited about getting away." He said dramatically.

I elbowed him in the abdomen, making him wince and shoot a glare at me, which I only responded to by smiling sweetly and taking a bite of my apple.

It was then that Maya walked over and sat down at the table, dropping her tray and plopping into her seat with a dissatisfied 'huff'. I quirked an eyebrow at her, "Everything all right?" I asked.

"No." She said.

I was quiet, "Well you're going to have to elaborate." I said, fishing for more.

"It's nothing huge, it's just my parents. I was supposed to be going to LA for a week over break to stay with my aunt but they told me I can't go anymore." She said.

"Is there a reasoning behind it?" I asked.

She shrugged, "They can't really afford it right now which is okay and I'm not pissed at them but it still kinda sucks you know?" She said, sounding kind of sad.

"But no pity parties for me. What do you say about a girls vacay? You, me, Netflix and several junk food runs." She said.

I smiled, "I'd love to but I'm watching Clara this week." I said.

"All week?" She asked.

"Well this weekend, and then the day after Christmas until New Years." I said with a shrug, that was pretty much the entire vacation.

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