Chapter - 10

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Natasha's POV:

"So, what's going on that mind of yours?" Maria asked, being at her annoying self.

We were lying next to each other on a bed. Yes, Fury made us sleep together. Urgh, I hate him so much.

"You know, Maria. Sometimes you can be so freakin' annoying." I stated as I faced towards her.

"Hey, I'm just excited. Little Natasha is being a mom." She squealed excitedly, like a fangirl.

"You know that you are not that older than me." I stated emphasizing the word 'that'.

"But I still feel like you're my little sister." She said ruffling my hair.

"Seriously! Hill, I thought you hated me when we first met." I stated.

Yes, it was true. She was always keeping an eye on me when I first joined S.H.I.E.L.D and I knew that she didn't trust me back then. But, who in the right mind would trust a Russian assassin?

"Well, I don't trust people easily." She defended herself.

"I know. I'm just joking. I don't blame you for not trusting me back then." I assured her.

"Anyway, how's your love life? I never had the chance to talk to you about these." She said, looking right at my eyes.

"Urgh, Maria, even if you cannot sleep, you should not disturb other's sleep." I tried to look annoyed but I failed miserably.

She also knows that I will not sleep easily after today's incident. She knows me all too well.

"C'mon, Nat. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Cap or Bruce?" She asked. She looks serious now.

"None." I smirked.

"Hey! I'm not joking. Tell me." She complained.

"Fine." I give up. When it comes to Maria, she always wins.

"Yes!" She excitedly said which makes me roll my eyes.

"Well, it's complicated. I liked Bruce because he reminded me of myself. I saw myself in him. A monster." Maria squeezed my hand in reassurance.

I smiled at her and continued,"Then there is Steve. I can't exactly express it in words but I feel safe with him. Whenever I'm with him, I feel kind of..........complete, I guess. Moreover, he is always there for me. He knows when I'm in pain and when I need someone."

Maria looked at me and smiled faintly. She knows that I was hurting when Bruce left.

"And he even knows how to make me smile." I added trying to make a joke but I come out blushing.

Maria saw that and gave me a knowing look. "Hmm, looks like our little Natashalie has a new crush."

"Did you just quote Tony?" I asked her disbelievingly.

She just smiled at me.

"Anyway, did you say that Cap even made you smile? Did he like you too? I mean, more than a friend." Maria asked.

"I don't know. He keeps our friendship very......professional. He never crosses the friendship line." I sighed.

"Didn't he have a girlfriend? That blonde agent you were setting him up with." She asked.

"No, they were almost a thing. But he told me that he is not yet ready for relationships and that he told her he just wants to remain as 'friends'." I air quoted the word friends.

"Since when do you talk about relationships with him?" She teased.

"Haha, so funny Maria." I sarcastically laughed.

"He asked me about Bruce too." I stated.

"Hmm, interesting. Go on, mom." She looks at me teasingly.

"I told him that I did just the same as he did with Sharon." I sighed again, avoiding eye contact with  her."And the truth is that..."

"You lied to him." She finished it for me.

"I feel bad for lying to him. I sure. But, it's just that, I don't want him to think that I'm still not over Bruce. And that there is know, space for,uh, some other guys whom I like."

"And who would that some other guy be?" She asked, as she gives me a knowing  look.

"I'm done, Hill. Goodbye. I need some sleep." I turned away faced her with my back.

"Fine, whatever you say. Mom." She joked.

Ignore, ignore, Natasha. Calm down. I thought.

Just as I close my eyes, my thoughts are all about a certain little blonde girl.


I woke up very early as I can no longer wait for the time when I will see my daughter.

Okay, what shall I do? I thought.
I cannot call Stark and ask him about her because he would ask me why I'm suddenly concerned about her or something.

Okay, I have an idea! I can contact Happy. An idea came in my mind.

I dialed his number and he picked up after three rings.

"Happy, I have a favour to ask."


I paced around in Fury's living room and waited for Happy's call.

Yes, I asked him to check on Clara. I convinced him to go to the Stark Tower early as he will act like a 'double agent'. That is what he say.

Maria comes out yawning and she was scratching her face.

"Why are you waking up so early?" She asked groggily.

"I'm just a morning person. You should know that by now." I lied.

"Who are you waiting for? Tell me it's not Cap." She teased.

"Huh?" I asked. What the hell is she talking about?

"The phone. You keep on looking at it every now and then." She stated pointing at my phone.

I did't notice that I was always looking at it every second.

"No. It's Happy. I asked him to do me a favour." I replied, still keeping my gaze at the phone which I was holding.

"Oh, right! Mother instincts. I almost forget." She laughed at me. I rolled my eyes at her.

"You know what, Hill? You...-" Just as I was going to make a sarcastic remark, my phone beeps which means that it was from Happy.

I opened the message which he sent and crack out laughing. It was a picture of Stark giving Clara a piggyback. Happy said with a caption, Looks like the little girl is well taken care of. "Oh.My.God." I laughed.

"Nat! What is wrong?" Maria asked cautioustly and snatched my phone away.

After she look at it, she burst out into laughter too.

"Stark......he.....oh my god... I am so going to tease him." Maria said through her laughter.

Fury comes into the living room and announced,"We will leave after breakfast."

Little Trouble (Under Heavy Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang