Chapter - 34

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Natasha's Pov:

I can't help the smile tugging upon my lips as I flutter my eyes open and wake up to my daughter snuggling with me. Slowly and carefully, I tried to get up without waking her.

I place a soft kiss on her forehead and left the bed to do my morning routine.

I started humming to some songs as I take a shower. I really wake up feeling like a whole new person.

"Good morning." I enthusiastically greet her, as I see her sitting on the bed, still looking very sleeping.

"Morning." She groggily replies, rubbing her eyes.

"So.....what would you like for a breakfast?" I raised my eyebrows at her in a playful manner, trying to cheer her up.

"'s okay. I can just eat some cereal. I don't want to be a handful." She replies, giving me a small smile.

I let out a light chuckle. "Are you the same kid who shocked me with my widow bites?" I teased her.

Seeming to be embarrassed by it, she scratches her neck, letting out a nervous laugh. "I don't remember doing such things."

I just shook my head, feeling amused. She may seem like some spoiled brat sometimes, but in reality, she is a good kid.

"How are you feeling?" I asked with furrowed brows, changing the subject.

She just gives me a shrug. "Fine, I guess."

I raised my eyebrows as her facial expressions changed to a sad one. But, she covered it quickly and expertly.

Damn, this kid is really my child.

But I know not to push it further.

"Anyway, I had this thing in my mind, you know? I think we really need to talk. Like really talk."

"Mhm?" She just hums, getting off from the bed.

"Listen, Clara, what I really trying to say is that....."

But I was cut off. "Damn, uncle Tony really has a bad taste." Making a face at the Iron Man slippers Tony had put out for her, she puts it on.

This girl really needs to focus sometimes. Rolling my eyes, I let out a huge sigh. Maybe I just have to wait till breakfast.

"Um, can I use this blue toothbrush?" I hear her ask from the bathroom.

Blue? Then, came a certain blonde's face in my mind. Not really in the mood to think about him.

"Of course. That's for you to use."

"Do you find it hard to breathe, then?"

"Nope." Clara answers Cho lightly, as the Korean doctor was checking her up.

Nodding her head after she hears the answer, she continued inspecting her body.

"Then, do you feel any pain anywhere?" She questions, as she pressed a hand in her chest.

"Nah-uh." This earned a chuckle from Tony.

"Clara?! Listen to the doctor carefully and answer her politely." I tell her, getting serious.

Tony lets out a huge snort, earning a chuckle from Steve, who has been standing quietly beside him the entire time. I send them both a glare putting them to shut their mouths.

"I already told you.....I feel alright." She almost whine as she gives me a pout.

Dr. Cho lets out a little laugh. "You guys are really cute as a family."

Forcing a smile on my lips, I offer her a smile. "Well, that would not happen anytime soon. Thank you anyways."

"Oh! I thought you guys were......"

But I clear her doubts as I reply, "Nope. We're just friends and will remain just friends forever."

From the corner of my eyes, I can see Steve's jaw being clenched upon my little comment. But, he lets it fade away from his face quickly not wanting to be noticed.

But I already did it anyways.

"Anyways, I would want to take a look at her condition again after.....maybe a week?" She inquired, scrolling from her tablet.

"We would be glad to have you here again." Steve replies, giving her his charming Captain America smile again. God, kill me already!

That didn't go unnoticed even by the young doctor as she lets out a soft giggle. Probably finding him appealing.

Great! Now they're flirting right in front of my eyes. Note the sarcasm.

"Thank you for your time, doctor. At least, can I see you out?" He offers her yet another charming smile. The same smile that took my heart away.

A smile tugs upon the doctor's lips as she gives him a nod. Probably losing her voice by now as her knees would also grow weak.

Yep! Been there too, darling.

"Yeah, yeah. You two might even create another Clara." I regret it once those words left my mouth.

But it's not like I can take it back.

I can see the hurt in Steve's eyes as he leads the young doctor out the door.

"That was harsh, Romanoff. Stop this misunderstanding and make up already." Tony whispered in my ear, earning a scoff from me.

Getting myself annoyed all over again, I roll my eyes as I reply, "Don't let his looks fool you, Tony. He is no better a jerk than you."

He pulls me away from Clara's bed, not wanting her to listen to our conversation.

He shook his head, not agreeing with me. "Cap is a good man, Natasha. You will not find any other men in this world who cares, no, who loves you more than he does. Stop doubting his love for you and fucking apologise to him." His words were a bit harsh once I let it sink in my mind.

Me? Apologise? Is he fucking serious?!

"You can have him if you want then, no.1 fan." I mocked him as I sarcastically give him his own taste of medicine.

"Stop ignoring the truth, Romanoff. He had been through a lot and you hurting him wouldn't do you both any good." He harshly spoke, triggering the bomb ticking inside my head.

But I know that I couldn't just explode here. I mean, Clara is also in the room and I wouldn't want her to see the real 'me'.

Ignoring his words, I retort by saying, "You could put Coulson to shame, Stark. Where is this sudden hero-worship coming from?" Even I could hear the sarcasm laced in my voice.

He flinched upon hearing me. Then, he lets out a huge sigh. "Whatever, Romanoff. I am done with your stubbornness. You know what? I have a new respect for Steve since he could keep up with a woman like you this whole time."

Simply rolling my eyes, I give him a shrug. "Well, he tried."

"And you know what? You don't deserve to be with a person as good as Steve Rogers."

That comment just break my moral code.

He asked for it.

All I remember is Clara shouting for her 'uncle Tony' as I send my fist to his stupid face.

Little Trouble (Under Heavy Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt