Chapter - 16 (Part-III)

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Still Steve's flashback:

"Dad? Where's Mom?" Clara asked as I walked into our home, she looked very sad.

After that particular 'incident', Natasha has been keeping a distance from Clara which makes Clara very confused.

"She's having another mission." I stated as I place a kiss on her cheeks.

"Again?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, looking unsure.

"I'm so sorry, cupcake. She's just.......I don't know how to explain but we need to give her some space." I said, rubbing my face in frustration. Because even I sometimes don't understand Natasha.

I know she's been through a lot, but she should not keep on ignoring Clara. Because about three months have already passed after that 'incident'.

She is hurting Clara emotionally. And I could not just watch my baby girl hurting.

"Dad? Why did Mom hate me?" She asked, tears were brimming in her eyes.

I kneeled down to match her height and wipe her tear from her face.

"No, cupcake. Your Mom doesn't hate you. She's just not herself these past months. Everything will be alright." I kissed her forehead.

"Where's your uncle Tony?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"He's sleeping." She said as she led me to her room.

Tony was hugging Clara's big teddy bear and he was smiling in his sleep.

"Let's wake him up, Dad." Clara grins mischeviously, her mood lightening.

I raise my eyebrows at her as she puts her index finger in her lips signalling me to be silent.

I laugh at her as she crawls beside Tony imitating Natasha when she would sneak up on me.

"Uncle Tony!" She shouted in his ears causing him to sit up instantly and he was panting.

"What?! What is happening?" He looked at us worriedly, his eyes wide. His worried face was priceless making me and Clara laugh so hard.


A week has passed and Natasha is still not getting back today.

At least, I expect her to come home because today is Clara's birthday. She will be turning ten.

We never really celebrated it since we didn't want to 'spoil' her but we always make sure to make it special for her.

She didn't have any friends since she didn't go to school and aside from Tony and Pepper, we are all she has.

"Cap?" Tony approached me as I was sitting on the couch with Clara sleeping on my lap.

"Yeah?" I asked as he took a seat opposite to me.

"I know I should not butt in your relationship with Red, but since this involves Clara, I can't help it. So, don't you think this is too much?" He asked hesitantly.

"First of all, Tony," I smiled as I look at him,"you have every right since I know how much you love Clara."

He sighed in relief. How could he think that I would be angry with him? He loves Clara and he would be the only person I would trust with Clara if Nat and I are not around.

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