Chapter - 17

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               Present YEAR

Tony's POV:

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"We are taking the girl. With us." Red stated, without showing any emotion.

I huffed in response. I can't believe this sadistic woman.

"You have no right. Plus, you are one of the most wanted person in America right now. How could you possibly handle a girl?" I retorted, as I am not planning on just to let my little trouble go.

She laughed sadistically,"Oh Stark, that's all gone after I signed the New damn Accords. There's nothing holding me back now. Now I'm a free woman."

"Hah! Fury here gave me a mission and that is to take care of her." I defended myself.

"Yeah? I wanna hear that from him." She challenged, looking at Fury as if telling him to say something.

"Well, Tony...." But I cut him off before he could continue.

"Why, Fury? Why do you keep on testing me?" I asked since I know that he is taking Red's side.

"You don't get it, Tony." He shook his head as if he thinks that I don't get what he is saying.

"Anyway Stark, where is the girl?" Red said, uninterested.

"As if you care." I snorted at her.

"Tony, we are serious." Fury softly said, trying to calm me down.

"Wait here, but you are not taking her." I firmly stated while Red just sat there looking very determined on taking her.


"This is Fury, Hill and Romanoff." I introduced her to our unwanted guests.

"I know." Clara muttered under her breath only for me to hear.

She sits beside me and leans on my shoulder slightly making herself comfortable.

I put a hand around her shoulder and hug her back.

"Clara, do you remember me?" Red asks in a soft voice making me huff.

"Mmhm." She nods slightly.

"Then, do you remember my friend, Clint?" She asks again still in her 'good girl' voice.

"Yeah." Clara answers again looking uninterested to wherever the conversation is heading.

"Well, we're going to visit him and you're coming too." Red explained, trying to sound as friendly as possible.

"Uncle Tony, why didn't you tell me?" Clara asks, looking up at me with her big green eyes.

"He will not come." Red said before I could even answer her.

"Then, why would I go there?" She questions looking lost.

"That's because-" Before Red could finish, Fury interrupted her.

"Your uncle Tony will also be coming." Fury smiled at her.

"Okay." She shrugs lightly and smiles back at Fury.

"But-" Hill cuts Red off again.

"You know what Clara, Captain America will also be there." Hill squealed excitedly making Clara smile uncomfortably.

"Right, Nat?" She nudged Natasha making her groan in annoyance.

"No, he will not be there." I stated.

"Why not? He lives there." Hill reasoned.

"You don't know? He moved in with some woman I introduced last week. They seem to be very 'intense' with each other." I emphasized the word 'intense'.

I just want to get back to Romanoff at some point. She would, sooner or later, find out that Cap has moved out. So, why not have some fun?

I mean, it's not a crime to lie to someone. Especially, to a hardheaded sadist like Romanoff.

God would probably forgive me.

"Stark, you're pathetic. Even your lying sucks." Romanoff hissed, but she makes sure not to scare Clara.

Impressive! Romanoff finally calms herself. Only because Clara is there.

But, how long? I smirk at that particular thought.

"Oh really? Why don't you ask Barton yourself?" I taunted.

"Really, Stark. You are messing with the wrong person." She started to lose her temper.

"Natasha, I don't know about that 'moving in with other woman', but Tony is right. He actually moves out." Fury softly said while I am just sitting in my seat smiling at Romanoff smugly.

"Wh-what? He left? He didn't even tell me." The look on Red's face was priceless. I mentally high fived myself for doing such a great job.

"Yeah, you would never believe this but Cap can't keep his eyes off of her. Man, he adores her." I laughed, as if thinking Cap and his 'girlfriend'.

"B-but he didn't even mention the woman." She sounded heartbroken.

"Why would he? I mean, he loves her too much that he becomes very protective of her." I reasoned, still smiling as I love watching her suffer.

I know I am sadistic. But this is Red we are talking about. So, there is no right or wrong.

"Did he seem to enjoy her company?" She asks again, in a low tone.

"Of course he did." I cheered.

"I mean, she is so gorgeous and friendly. Cap seems to be very smitten with her. He deserves someone like-" I was being cut off again.

But what surprises me is that, the one who cut me off was none other than little trouble herself.

"No, he didn't." Clara blurted out making Natasha raise her eyebrows at her since this is the first time she actually see her talk without being asked a question.

"I mean, uncle Tony is just kidding. There is no other woman. Da-, no Cap was here but he didn't say anything about some woman. I heard them talk." Clara said making me to mentally facepalm myself.

This is why I call you 'little trouble'. You are always causing me unnecessary troubles.

"Really?" Red is now the one smirking at me as she talks to my little trouble.

"Yeah." She answers looking down at the floor as if trying to avoid eye contact with Romanoff.

"What do you have to say before I rip your tongue off from that filthy mouth of yours?" Romanoff says as she looks at me with pure hatred.

"Well, you said that I suck at lying. I just want to prove how good I am. So, what do you think, Nat?" I smiled at her, showing her all my teeth.

Please show mercy. Please show mercy. I silently prayed.

I called her 'Nat' to calm her down because if she ever strikes, I will be damned.

"Uncle Tony is coming too, right?" Clara softly asks her, looking at her with her big green eyes.

Res studies her face for a while.
"Okay." She smiled lightly, her mood suddenly lightening making me slightly uncomfortable.

Is she bipolar or something?

I will never know what kind of thoughts are going through on that red head.

"Oh, Stark. You should get ready. We are leaving for Barton's." She lightly smiled.

"Nobody's stopping you now." She added making me ask myself this question.

Where is the Red that I used to know?

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