3. Crashing Into Hotness Personified

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When we got home, it was already late in the afternoon. The sun was starting to go down, turning the sky to an orange hue. After dropping the shopping bags on my bed, I decided to go running to blow some nervousness away and clear my head for the next day. Experiencing it firsthand on my previous years, I knew how vicious and mean girls could be at high school. I just hoped things would turn out differently now that I wasn't playing the role of the shy weird girl who never made a comeback when people harassed her.

I couldn't erase my past, but I could map my future. Old Kalley would always be a part of me, giving her the power to come back was all on me. And I wasn't planning on it. Not for a long time anyway.

Putting on my new fannel shorts and black sneakers, I took my headphones and the new I-phone dad gave me and made my way down the stairs.

I could make it back home by twilight if I was fast enough.

Letting my mother know I was going for a run around the neighborhood, I left the house.

Stepping out into the street, I began to jog at a steady peace, the soft country music playing in my ears. I wasn't planning on going far, considering I planned to come back by twilight, so instead of taking the street that lead to the park I opted for jogging along the neighbouring streets. As I kept going, my eyes took in all the beautiful houses around me. They looked out of a magazine with their beautiful front yards full of blossoms and grass that looked so neat and green, it made me wonder what it would feel like to lay down on it, feeling the fresh blades press against my skin.

I've always loved the smell of grass. Even more when it was intensified by the upcoming rain. My eyes drifted up to the sky, notting it was clear. The weather was pretty chill, so we probably wouldn't have rain in about three more days or so.

A real shame because I loved rain.


Call me weird or whatever. But I love rain and nothing you ever say will change my mind about it.

I always thought I should have been born in England. My stork might have messed with her instructions and dropped me off in the wrong country, I tell you. Somewhere in London a desperate mother has been crying for her child the last seventeen years picturing all kinds of dreadful scenarios.

I took a bend at the end of the street, not noticing someone was running stright towards me until a sharp pain hit me on my side. The impact sent me staggering a few steps back, my feet tangled together and I fell backwards ending up flattened on the soft grass of some stranger's house.

Great! I got my wish granted except that it was in the worst way posible. I'd be lucky if I got out of this with no injuries.

This is what happens for thinking I could train for that 10k marathon in a few months. What the hell had I been thinking? I better keep snuggling on my couch eating spongy chocolate cake.

I couldn't contain the dry laugh that escaped my lips. Way to go Kalley, you set your first goal and look where it landed you. I don't know if I'd like to keep trying if this turns into a routine.

I flipped on my back with my eyes closed and took a deep breath.

No way. You won't give up kalley. You are already here.

I'd almost forgotten that I ended up with the breath knocked out of me because I'd collided with someone until an unfamiliar voice broke into my thoughts.

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