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"I feel like a minion on display." Layla said behind me as we all gathered for the photo.

I laughed.

"Why do we have to use this ugly yellow gowns? Didn't they have black ones?" She kept bickering.

"Why, obviously they chose them because they complement our complexions see?." Hannah joked.

The bumblebee gown didn't sit that bad on her. Layla and I on the other hand looked terrible in it.

"I can't wait to get rid of it. Can someone hurry that guy?" Layla said, referring to the photographer. 

"Do you think he will hurry up if we put him on a yellow gown like ours?" Hannah wondered.

"I doubt you will achieve it. You'll probably end up elbowing the poor man in the stomach before you got him to slip on a sleeve babe." How could James soften an statement like that with just a word was out of my comprehension. But he did it.

Hannah tsked. "You're right."

"At least it will accomplish something which is to get out of here as soon as humanly possible."

I listened to their conversation distractedly while my eyes scanned the crowd in search of my parents.

"Searching for someone?" Ryan's hot breath caressed the back of my neck just as a pair of arms slipped around my waist. I had been so focused that I almost jumped when I heard his voice. My hand flew to my chest trying to keep my heart from bursting right out of it.

"Jeez man." Said James. "You are gonna give her a heart attack one of these days."

"Sorry." Ryan's impish smile contradicted his words.

Just then the photographer called our attention and we all turned to face the camera. Ten minutes later we were all throwing our caps in the air, whistles and cheers followed and all around me people started clapping each other's backs, jumping up and down, some girls even burst into tears. The noise was so loud it disoriented me.

A hand clasped around my wrist and started pulling me to the side, away from the crowd. I followed willingly, having caught sight of Ryan's blond head. 

I thought he was going to stop when we finally broke through, but he kept walking, throwing me a smile over his shoulder. I hurried after him, dodging parents that had started to move forward on search of their sons or daughters. 

"Where are we going?" I asked.

His smile got wider, "You'll see."

We had just reached the bleachers when I caught sight of him. My dad. He was cheering me on, his eyes shining with pride. I saw him start descending the steps but the image turned so blurry I had to blink twice. A tear escaped the corner of my eye. Then another followed. And soon I couldn't stop.

Before I knew it I was engulfed in his arms. "That's my girl. I'm so proud of you sweetheart."

I hugged him back as my tears wet his shirt. "Came on, don't cry. You're gonna ruin your make up." 

His words worked and before I knew it I was taking deep breaths to calm myself down. "You came." I stated. Even though he had said he would there was still that little voice inside me that told me it was a foolish thought.

"Of course I came." He replied while his hand drew circles over my back. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"And mum?" I asked.

"She's here sweet. If you promise not to cry I'll let you go." Dad teased.

I sniffed, pulling back from his chest to smile at him. "I'll try. I'm not usually such a cry baby." I lied.

Dad smiled at my joke.

"Congratulations honey!" Mum cheered. "We have to celebrate. Do you have something in mind?"

I reciprocated her hug. "Thanks mum."

"We could all have lunch somewhere." Dad provided.

I nodded. "Yes, sure." 

"You are invited too Ryan of course." Mum hurried to add.

The mention of Ryan had my dad perking up. He scanned Ryan from the tips of his hair to the back shoes peeking out of the gown. "So this young man is Ryan."

"That's me Mr. Jackson." Said Ryan, taking a step forward. 

Dad smiled, "Daniel will do son."

Ryan nodded, a slight smile pulling at his lips.

"I understand you've been taking care of my daughter." 

"Yes sir. Daniel." He corrected.

"And how's that gonna work now that school's over?" Dad asked.

I threw a helping glare at my mother so she would keep dad from questioning my boyfriend. She caught up on it immediately, "Daniel, maybe this is not the time..."

"It's the perfect time. I have a right to know. We are talking about my daughter after all."

"We are going to the same university." Ryan interrupted. 

That caught my father's attention. "You are?" His gaze jumped from Ryan to me and back again. "Why didn't you mention that Kalley?"

"Uh..." I was thinking how to get out of the tangle I'd suddenly found myself in when Ryan spoke. "It was a last minute thing. I wasn't sure I was going to be admitted."

"So you are going to OSU too?" Dad kept prodding.

"Yes, I plan to major in business." He provided.

I smiled. Yes, we were going to the same university. I was so happy when Ryan talked about it with me. I could hardly believe what was happening.

"Is that all dad? Does he pass inspection?" I teased.

Dad stared at me and shook his head. "Sweetheart, he passes with flying colors before I even met him. I just wanted to ruffle his feathers a bit." He admitted with a smile.

"I'm glad to have your approval Daniel." Ryan replied.

"Yeah, yeah. Just take care of my girl." He warned.

"Will do." Ryan said, dropping a kiss on my temple.

"Now where are your friends honey? I wanted some pictures with all of you." Mum said.

I groaned. "No more pictures please."

She pretended not to hear me as she snapped pictures of me and Ryan. I rolled my eyes. I just knew that once I had a look at them I wouldn't find one where I looked decent.

But then, as I stood in the middle of the gym, Ryan's arm around my waist, I couldn't help but be grateful for all I'd gotten to experience and all I had been gifted. And as I watched the faces of the most important people in my life one thing my mother had told me long ago kept circling my mind.

In life there were moments when you had to take risks, but everything you put on the line was worth it to see the results. 

a/n: It's over guys. I still can't believe it. Thank you all for joining Ryan and Kalley in this journey!

The characters in this book touched me a lot, they honestly came alive and choose their own path along the way and I couldn't be more proud of them.

Remember to leave any question you want me to answer about the book, characters, storyline, etc. So I can add it to the Q/A post!

If you liked this story and want to check other works you can head to my profile. Thank you all for your support!

Love 💛

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