20. Movies & Fries

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"Unfreaking believable." Muttered Layla under her breath as she bent down to pick up an empty cartoon of fries. "I'd been wondering why they were so hungry all of a sudden, now I have zero doubts. Bring the girls buddy, bring the girls. For what? Moop the floor? Clean their mess? Ha, I'm not cinderella. I think someone's gotta teach those boys a lesson." She stood a bit straighter and pointed to her chest with a dirty fry. "That someone being me."

We'd arrived at the movie theatre 30 minutes after the showing started so we had to buy tickets for the next one. Meanwhile the boys suggested we stopped at the burger joint and ordered something to eat.

We did that.

It turned out not so great.

I stopped sweeping the floor and leaned against the broom, letting out a huff, "Like you'd be able to get something through that thick skull of them. I think it might be football related. Do you think they got their heads knocked so many times that they started malfunctioning? Or maybe they had a seizure and they weren't properly treated. Who knows?" I shrugged.

It had all started when James dared the guys to finish their burgers before he did. The winner would get an extra cartoon of fries. 

The moron's accepted, but when it was obvious Ryan was going to win, Tyler got his hands on James fries, which meant he dropped his burger to protect them, which ended with his burger on the floor, which lead to a fry fight. Layla's jaw had dropped to the floor when they'd started throwing fries like they were paper planes. "What are you doing dipshits!? Those are fries! They are precious! Don't you dare!"

Did they listen to her? No.

We cowered into the corner, wrapping our arms over our heads to avoid the flying greasy fries to tangle in our hair until the manager took notice and called them out. And what did our knights in shining armour do?

They dropped the fries and made a run for it, leaving us to face his wrath.


That's what really happened.

"I can't believe James left me! Did you see him!?" Hannah came back from dropping the trays into the trash can, raising her hands in frustration. "He just chuckled and scurried after the other baboons as they made a dash for the door."

Layla chuckled, "Baboons," She repeated tasting the words. "I like that!"

"Yeah, wow. Don't count me on the next outing." I replied as I finished with the floor.

"Ha! No way girl. Next-time is only-girls-allowed." Said Layla swirling the cloth in her hand.

"Only brains allowed would be more fitting." I muttered.

"I still can't believe this! He left." Hannah was still on a trance. "He won't get away with it this time. I wont fall for his sweet voice and puppy eyes anymore."

I pressed my lips together to keep a laugh, but Layla wasn't so reserved about it, "Yeah, right. You'd be making up as soon as the word 'babe' leaves his lips."

"I will not!"

"You will girl. I'm telling you. That boy knows you can't stay mad at him." Layla pointed out.

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