30. Meet The Parents

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"You look beautiful." Was the first thing to come out of Ryan's lips as I opened the door.

I didn't know what to expect of this lunch but just in case, I had put aside an olive green winter dress and a pair of dark stockings to go along with it. A pair of brown lace up boots and my classic black leather jacket completed the outfit. 

My hair and make up had been a completely different story. I spent hours fighting with the hair dryer and the flat iron to get it to obey. Then I had applied some mascara and lip gloss which I rarely used unless the occasion called for it.

This seemed like one of those so after applying it I'd had dropped it inside my clutch so I could have it at hand if needed.

My cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment, glad that after all the effort it seemed like I had done something right. If the speechless expression on Ryan's face was anything to go by.

He had put an extra effort too, deciding on a maroon jumper and dark jeans. His blond hair fell over his forehead in a tousled manner that made me want to reach up and mess it up.

"Thanks. You cleaned yourself up nice too." I said, leaning against him, my arms circling around his neck to play with the hairs at the back of his head.

He chuckled, tugging me against him with a hand on my waist. "You're gonna rumple my hair."

"I like it messy."

His face leaned in. "We are gonna get messy if you don't climb into my car right now."

I felt my cheeks heat, but I forced myself to risk it. "Really? What if I tug here?" I demonstrated by pulling on a strand.

His answer was a low growl. "Don't tempt me Kalley. I'm seconds away from pinning you against that door and ravishing you in front of all the neighbours."

My breathing hitched.

God. Help. Me.

I tried to pull back but one of my rings caught in his hair. The next thing I knew Ryan was making good on his promise. 

His mouth moved fiercely over mine, urging my lips apart.

"Kalley." He whispered as his lips grazed over mine.

It was a kiss that made volcanos erupt and stars collide. It was passionate, demanding and yet loving.

When I came up for air my thoughts were a jumble. I had to rest my forehead against his shoulder as my breathing evened. 

I could feel his heart beating under the palm I had laid over his chest and wondered whether every single beat would ever be mine just as mine were his.

Ryan held me in his arms for a few minutes longer then stirred me towards his awaiting car.


When Ryan told me which part of town he lived in I had imagined a big beautiful house. The actual sight of it though left me breathless. 

His house wasn't a mansion like Taylor's, but it was close enough.

The huge windows, the tall columns and the perfect manicured lawn said enough.

As I watched this monstrosity of a house my nerves started to spike up. 

Ryan reached out to cover my fidgeting hands in his. "Everything will be fine."

I swallowed past the lump in my throat. "Right."

"Hey." He tipped my chin up with a finger. "Just so you know, I don't care whether my mother likes you or not. She could hate you and I'd still think you are the most beautiful, funny, sweet girl I know. Nothing would change that."

Gosh. How could he say things like that to me?

I leaned in and dropped a kiss to his cheek. "Ok. Let's do this."

Hand in hand we climbed up the stairs and entered the foyer. All the walls were painted white, making the space look even bigger than it really was. The natural light coming from the windows gave everything a glow that made you wonder if you had just stepped in into a fairytale.

Ryan tugged on my hand, leading me past a large dining room. I caught sight of a long oak table with matching chairs and a few vases with flowers before he pulled me into the kitchen. 

My gaze swiveled around the space taking in the stainless steel appliances and the big island in the middle. "This is nice." His kitchen was beautiful. It even had a perfect view of the back yard.

"Are you thirsty?" Ryan asked me, reaching into the fridge for a bottle of water. 

I shook my head. "I'm fine."

"My mother should be here at any moment. She must be upstairs."

It was in that moment that I saw a figure coming from the path that led to the yard.

The woman moved swiftly over the gravel even wearing a pair of high heels. Her blonde hair had been tied up into a bun but you could see exactly where Ryan and his sister had gotten that perfect shade of blonde.

"I think she's in the backyard." I gestured to the window with my chin. Ryan's eyes followed the gesture and his face broke into a smile. "Come." He said, taking my hand again and pulling me out the door.

Ryan's mother looked up as soon as we stepped into the gravel. A smile tugged at her perfect rosy lips. I couldn't help but notice she was young. Like really young. How old was she when she had Ryan?

Those thoughts scattered as soon as we stood a few feet from each other and she reached a hand to caress the side of Ryan's face. "There's my boy."

"Hi mom."

Her sparkling blue eyes turned to me and she came forward to give me a hug. "Hi Kalley, I'm so glad you could come today. It feels like I've been waiting to meet you for years." 

I patted her back lightly, not quite knowing what to do with my hands. If she thought I was awkward she didn't say.

Pulling back she studied my face with her almond shaped eyes, the same shade as Charlotte. "She's pretty Ry Ry." She said to Ryan as her eyes met mine and smiled.

"There's more to Kalley than that." Ryan's words made my heart swell and take flight.

Her mother didn't take offense with his comment. She just curled an arm around my waist, wedging herself between Ryan and me and proceeded to pull me back towards the house.

"I'm sure there is." She replied as Ryan followed behind us. "My name is Cecilia darling. You can call me Ceecee or C or Lia, but never Mrs Evans. It makes me feel old."

I smiled at her. 

I had a feeling we were going to get along just fine.


a/n: Yess!! Two updates on a day! I can confirm this has never happened before haha. I was hit by a sudden brainwave guys! When this happens I just take advantage and complete the chapters I had already planned. Lol

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